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What is your favorite SAW movie?

I absolutely love the SAW series, and its hard to choose a favorite. I know most people say the first is the best, but I know that not everyone thinks that. So thats why I made this poll. Also, I absolutely hated SAW VII / SAW: The Final Chapter (its the only one I don't like), so I want to know if you guys feel the same way, which is why I am asking for your least favorite too. Thanks!

What is your favorite SAW movie?

51% (24) SAW
19% (9) SAW II
8% (4) SAW III
4% (2) SAW IV
4% (2) SAW V
6% (3) SAW VI
6% (3) SAW VII

47 voters have answered this question.

What is your least favorite SAW movie?

4% (2) SAW
2% (1) SAW II
14% (7) SAW III
21% (10) SAW IV
25% (12) SAW V
4% (2) SAW VI
27% (13) SAW VII

47 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-07-04 04:58:24 by NowIn3D
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