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Our families are loaded but what about us?

My husband and I both come from relatively wealthy families but we aren't exactly loaded oureslves. His grandmother paid for him to get braces twice: once when he was a kid (he didnt wear his retainer) and once when we were dating. My grandma is more of a trust fund sort. She has been donating to my investment accounts since I was a wee one. The vast majority of my trust fund has gone into our home downpayment, but now my grandmother gave me another 13 grand as an early inheritance chunk, and I put it in our joint checking account. My husband and I also have individual spending accounts for our personal and car expenditures, but we just started keeping those so I haven't saved up much yet. I asked my husband if I could use some of the money from my grandmother to get braces for myself (I am 28). And he said he does not think I should because that money belongs to both of us and I should use my individual spending account and go on a payment plan. I said it this is a prick move....
What do you think?
You are being greedy. You should get on a payment plan and not try to use the inheritance money for braces unless your husband agrees with it.
This issue is not clear cut and neither of you are being selfish or greedy. You just have different priorities. You should discuss it some more and reach a compromise.
Your husband is being selfish and should let you get braces with the money from your grandmother even though you agreed the money would be held jointly. This is no different than his grandmother paying directly for him to get braces a few years ago.
This poll was created on 2011-07-07 14:20:09 by abbyingy