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Who is the most deadly enemy of the Catholic Church today?

Who is the most deadly enemy of the Catholic Church today?

Who is the most deadly enemy of the Catholic Church today?

12% (12) Sedevacantists/Protestants/Greek Orthodox
11% (11) Jews
32% (31) Muslims
4% (4) Hindus
2% (2) Buddhists
3% (3) Jains
3% (3) Sikhs
12% (12) Wiccans/neopagans
42% (40) atheists/agnostics/deists
16% (16) LGBT people
32% (31) Liberals
21% (20) Communists
14% (14) Freemasons

95 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-07-22 22:28:07 by a$12Bc
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