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Would you allow nonhuman DNA to be put into your unborn child to 'augment' them?

I just read a short story titled "Game of the Century" by Robert Reed. In it, in the year 2041, a legal loophole that lasts for only three minutes and 21 seconds gives people the chance to splice non-human animal DNA into fertilized human ovaries that are then implanted into their wombs. The results vary, but those human/animal children who are born alive often possess remarkably enhanced abilities, along with distinctively non-normal-human appearances. Many are recruited to be top athletes, meaning millions of dollars for themselves and their parents. In the story, 1400 women agree to get this done out of all the women in the future USA (by then, the US of NA). I was wondering if it was realistic that that many people would willingly take such a huge chance with their offspring, splicing non-human-animal DNA into their future children and just hoping for the best. I know it takes all kinds, but how many people really want their son or daughter to be a manimal like from The Island of Dr. Moreau? So I decided to create this poll to gauge how many people, nationwide, right now, would be willing to do this. I think the author overestimated how many people would be willing to do this, but I could be wrong. I guess I'll find out with this poll.

Would you allow non-human DNA to be put into your unborn child to 'augment' them and give them abilities far above and beyond what any normal pure-human could ever have?

45% (18) YES
55% (22) NO

40 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-07-24 21:54:31 by Brandon Juhl
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