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Ladies' thoughts about going topless

Women have the option of revealing a bit but not everything but with guys, it's all or nothing. As a guy, I am curious to know how ladies feel about going topless at the beach or similar places.
What is your gender?
Male (please go to results)
Female (please continue)
How old are you?
Under 18 (please leave)
18 - 21
Over 60
What part of the world are you from?
Western Europe
Sub Continent
Norther America
South East Asia
South America
Eastern Europe
If you are at the beach, or a similar kind of place, and you had the opportunity to, would you go topless?
I would go topless, but only if there was no-one else around
I would go topless, but only if there were no guys around, only other women
I would go topless no matter who was around
I would go fully nude
I would not go topless
If you go topless, what is the main reason?
Husband/boyfriend wants me to
To be a bit naughty
To attract guys
I don't like tanlines
I like to show off my breasts
It feels good/sexy
I don't see the need to cover my breasts
I don't go topless
If you go topless, what do you wear on the bottom half?
Bikini bottoms
Short skirt
Long skirt
Nothing, I go fully nude
I don't go topless
When you go topless, do you feel naked/exposed?
Yes, I feel naked and vulnerable
I feel naked at first, but I get used to it
I feel exposed but I like it
I don't feel naked, it's only my breasts
Other (please explain in messages
I don't go topless
Do you consider your breasts to be private parts?
Yes, my breasts are private like genitals
Yes, my breasts are private but not as much as genitals
My breasts are private, but only the bottom half
My breasts are private, but only the nipples
My breasts are not private, I don't care who sees them
Do you consider toplessness to be nudity?
Yes, going topless is nudity
Topless is partial nudity
No, going topless isn't nudity
Finally, regardless of your other answers, what do you think men should wear in the same situation?
Dressed - shirt & shorts at least
Shirtless and shorts
Fully nude
This poll was created on 2011-08-03 07:13:20 by bb02