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Here is the place to vote on almost everything Star Trek, from ships to charecters. This poll will be updated regularly.

How much do you like the Star Trek Series and Movies.

22% (433) I'm a die hard trekkie!
31% (601) I'm your average trekkie.
24% (466) I like Star Trek.
2% (50) I watch it sometimes.
1% (23) I watch it when I'm board.
1% (19) I have a neutral opinion.
0% (1) I Dislike Star Trek.
0% (0) I Hate it.

1885 voters have answered this question.

Which Star Trek Series is the Best?

15% (309) Star Trek: The Original Series
41% (821) Star Trek: The Next Generation
21% (415) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
16% (328) Star Trek: Voyager
4% (82) Enterprise

1955 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite Original Series character?

26% (493) Kirk
47% (887) Spock
13% (248) McCoy
9% (174) Scotty
2% (48) Chevok
1% (28) Uhura

1878 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite Next Generation Character?

32% (641) Jean-Luc Picard
7% (137) William Riker
33% (650) Data
10% (210) Worf
2% (53) Deanna Troi
1% (27) Beverly Crusher
1% (25) Wesely Crusher
0% (5) Katherine Pulaski
1% (21) Guinen
6% (127) Q
2% (56) Geordi LaForge

1952 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite Deep Space Nine character?

13% (257) Benjamin Sisko
5% (98) Kira Neyers
17% (326) Jadzia Dax
1% (25) Ezri Dax
7% (137) Miles O'Brien
4% (82) Julian Bashir
8% (159) Odo
12% (233) Quark
17% (332) Worf
1% (28) Jake Sisko
8% (158) Garak
1% (30) Nog
2% (44) Dukat

1909 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite Voyager character?

16% (319) Katherine Janeway
8% (159) Chakotay
9% (172) Tuvok
2% (50) Harry Kim
6% (121) Tom Paris
29% (548) The Doctor
1% (28) Neelix
2% (56) B'lanna Torres
1% (24) Kes
21% (404) Seven of Nine

1881 voters have answered this question.

What is your favorite Star Trek movie?

3% (71) Star Trek: The Motion Picture
21% (404) Star Trek: The wrath of Khan
3% (67) Star Trek: Search for Spock
9% (177) Star Trek: The Voyage Home
1% (31) Star Trek: The Final Frontier
10% (189) Star Trek: Undiscovered Cntry.
6% (119) Star Trek: Generations
32% (604) Star Trek: First Contact
2% (43) Star Trek Insurection
7% (148) Star Trek: Nemesis

1853 voters have answered this question.

What is your least favorite Star Trek movie?

17% (327) Star Trek: The Motion Picture
2% (46) Star Trek: The wrath of Khan
3% (63) Star Trek: Search for Spock
3% (66) Star Trek: The Voyage Home
11% (215) Star Trek: The Final Frontier
4% (78) Star Trek: Undiscovered Cntry.
3% (72) Star Trek: Generations
4% (76) Star Trek: First Contact
11% (212) Star Trek Insurection
21% (402) I like 'em all
14% (272) Star Trek: Nemesis

1829 voters have answered this question.

Who is your Favorite Villian?(ENT,TOS,TNG,DS9)

20% (384) The Klingons
11% (225) The Romulans
46% (884) The Borg
5% (113) The Cardassians
0% (15) The Breen
0% (4) The Son'a
9% (180) The Dominion
0% (12) Suliban
1% (20) Andorians
2% (54) Other

1891 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favorite Delta Quadrent villian? (Voyager)

10% (186) The Kazon
7% (133) The Vidiians
7% (129) The Krenim
15% (275) The Hirogen
2% (39) The Malon
56% (982) Species 8472

1744 voters have answered this question.

Did you like the final episode of Deep Space Nine?

32% (599) Yes
23% (427) No
44% (829) I didn't see it

1855 voters have answered this question.

Was Voyager too friendly and diplomatic?

25% (466) YES! And its driving me mad!
24% (448) I guess so.
28% (525) Not sure.
21% (389) No. Peace to the galaxy, man!!

1828 voters have answered this question.

Should the next Star Trek movie have DS9 or Voyager charecters in it?

46% (848) Yes
35% (647) No
18% (339) Don't care

1834 voters have answered this question.

What is your favorite starship? (There's alot of them!)

13% (255) Original Enterprise
3% (68) Enterprise-A
1% (27) Enterprise-B
1% (34) Enterprise-C
18% (346) Enterprise-D
11% (223) Enterprise-E
11% (214) USS Voyager
9% (185) USS Defiant
2% (41) USS Promeatheus
0% (4) USS Stargazer
0% (8) USS Equinox
0% (4) USS Dauntilus
4% (90) Runabout-class
0% (1) Steamrunner-Class
0% (14) Akira-Class
0% (4) Nebula-Class
3% (61) Klingon Bird of Prey
0% (5) Klingon D-7 Cruiser
0% (1) Klingon Medium Cruiser
0% (8) Klingon Heavy Cruiser
3% (63) Romulan Warbird
0% (3) Romulan Scoutship
1% (25) Romulan Bird of Prey
4% (83) Borg Cube
0% (10) Borg Sphere
0% (6) Borg Queens Yacht
0% (3) Cardassian Warship
0% (2) Cardassian Fighter
0% (1) Breen Warship
0% (2) Dominion Fighter
0% (5) Dominion Battleship
0% (3) Ferengi Mauradar
0% (2) Kazon Cruiser
0% (3) Vidiian Cruiser
0% (1) Hirogen Hunting Ship
0% (1) Malon Garbage Cruiser
1% (33) I like shuttles!
1% (21) Other

1860 voters have answered this question.

Who would win in a war? The Borg or The Dominion?

66% (1204) The Borg
17% (311) The Dominion
16% (303) They'd wipe each other out!

1818 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of the new series, Enterprise?

7% (130) Its Amazing! I Love! Its the best series yet!
32% (574) It pretty good, I'll watch it.
30% (546) Its alright, I'll watch now and then.
18% (328) Its not that good.
11% (201) Watching grass grow would be more entertaining.

1779 voters have answered this question.

Who is your favourite Enterprise character?

33% (580) Captain Johnathan Archer
25% (433) T'Pol
15% (266) Trip Tucker
4% (73) Travis Maywhether
5% (87) Malcolm Reed
4% (82) Hoshi Sato
9% (157) Phlox
2% (42) Silik

1720 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of the Suliban?

3% (58) An amazing villian, possibly one of the best yet!
23% (399) Its all good.
51% (869) They're alright.
12% (208) Another boring Trek villian.
8% (146) They stink more then a dead skunk on a hot day!

1680 voters have answered this question.

While we're on the topic of the Suliban, who is the "future guy" (the mysterious figure from the future whom the suliban take orders from)?

19% (323) A Romulan
4% (68) A Klingon
3% (55) A Cardassian
7% (124) A Borg
13% (225) A member of Section 31
13% (225) He's a Suliban from the future
14% (244) Other (known race)
24% (416) Other (previously unheard of race)

1680 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of the new Enterprise Arc (The Xindi)?

24% (418) It's Great
49% (842) It's OK
13% (230) I dislike it
11% (197) Blam Enterprise altogether!

1687 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-09-12 19:01:05 by Bindee2000
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