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Sunday Church

if you are a christian ,tell me about your sunday

Are you a...

54% (40) boy
45% (33) girl

73 voters have answered this question.

how old are you?

2% (2) <10
1% (1) 11
10% (8) 12
15% (11) 13
13% (10) 14
9% (7) 15
46% (34) >15

73 voters have answered this question.

Are you very religious?

53% (39) yes
30% (22) a bit
16% (12) no

73 voters have answered this question.

Do you attend church every sunday?

94% (69) yes
5% (4) no

73 voters have answered this question.

Do you attend church more than once per sunday?

27% (20) yes ,2 times per sunday
8% (6) yes ,3 times per sunday
64% (47) no

73 voters have answered this question.

Boys: what do you wear when you are going to church?

14% (7) Dress shoes
4% (2) dress socks
14% (7) dress pants
14% (7) jeans
10% (5) long sleeved shirt
6% (3) short sleeved shirt
8% (4) polo shirt
4% (2) t-shirt
8% (4) jacket
18% (9) (bow)tie

50 voters have answered this question.

Boys :Do you tuck your shirt in?

69% (34) yes
30% (15) no

49 voters have answered this question.

Girls: What do you wear when you are going to church?

5% (2) dress shoes
0% (0) sports shoes
7% (3) knee socks
0% (0) ankle socks
5% (2) tights
15% (6) jeans
5% (2) skirt
27% (11) dress
27% (11) collared dress
0% (0) gloves
2% (1) bow
5% (2) hat

40 voters have answered this question.

what do you do after you come back from church?(select more than one plz)

19% (14) pray rest of the day
26% (19) listen to a parent reading out of the bible
26% (19) go to church again
64% (47) rest
45% (33) have fun

73 voters have answered this question.

who's choice is it to make you go to church every sunday?

39% (29) own
57% (42) parent's
1% (1) school's
1% (1) grand parents

73 voters have answered this question.

who's chosen your teh clothes you wear to church?

52% (38) parents
0% (0) school
47% (35) myself

73 voters have answered this question.

do you like going to church

67% (49) yes
32% (24) no

73 voters have answered this question.

Do your parents inspect you before you leave for church to see if you've dressed appropriate?

58% (43) yes
41% (30) no

73 voters have answered this question.

Do your parent's require a certain haircut from you?if yes what haircut?

No graph available for this question

73 voters have answered this question.

how do you addres your parents?

28% (21) mother and father
60% (44) mom and dad
4% (3) mam and papa
6% (5) other

73 voters have answered this question.

do your parents expect you to speak very polite to themselves?

47% (35) yes ,i have to say : yes ,mother. and no ,father.
52% (38) no

73 voters have answered this question.

Do you always pray before you start eating?

80% (59) yes
19% (14) no

73 voters have answered this question.

if you've been a bit rude to your parents ,do they require you to do some prayers or something else?

10% (8) prayers
89% (65) somethinh else

73 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-08-14 19:09:11 by koekje
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