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Are you self-confident enough to wear a kilt

A kilt is much more comfortable than pants or shorts. Wearing the kilt traditionally is without underwear. Nothings bunched up, constricted, or any of the other annoying tendencies that men have to deal with. It does take a certain level of self-confidence to wear a kilt out in public. I was definitely a bit nervous about it the first few weeks I was wearing it. But after wearing it regularly, I hardly even think about it. To generalize for a moment, - women dig a man in a kilt. It looks good, it shows off his legs, you know that he has confident in himself and his sexuality, and theres a good chance that he is at least a little bit interesting. So flirting becomes that much easier, whether it is a quick grin from a cute girl walking down the street, striking up a conversation that you might not have had before, or just a simple question from a stranger as: "So !!- what do you wear under that kilt?"
Where in the world do you live.
United States
East Europe
Western Europe
How do you wear your Kilt..
I would wear underwear under a kilt if I hired one
I'm indiscriminate about underwear. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.
I'm a man and I sometimes wear underwear under my kilt
Normally I'm commando, but have covered up upon occasion.
I'm a woman - men should wear underwear under their kilt
I usually wear something, but have and might again go 'regimental'.
You'll not catch me without knickers. I have my reasons.
I'm a man and I usually wear underwear under my kilt
I'm a man and I never wear anything under my kilt: as nature intended!
I would not hire a kilt from a company forcing me to wear underwear
I own my own kilt so do not have to hire one!
I'm a man and I always wear underwear under my kilt
I'm a woman - men should go commando: nothing under the kilt!
This poll was created on 2011-08-30 10:55:22 by banan