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Fat Girls Poll

Hi , I am a 15 year old girl who has weight issues. I want to hear from other girls with this problem

how old are you?

56% (17) 13-16
20% (6) 17-20
13% (4) 21-30
10% (3) 31+

30 voters have answered this question.

What Race are you( not that I'm racist or anything)

93% (28) Caucasian(white)
3% (1) African(black)
3% (1) Hispanic
0% (0) Asian
0% (0) indian

30 voters have answered this question.

How fat would you say you are?

3% (1) Not at all(please leave)
3% (1) Athletic
3% (1) thin
13% (4) average
20% (6) overweight
36% (11) Fat (Where I am right now)
20% (6) obese
0% (0) so fat you fell of a boat and the captain yelled" Land Ahoy!!"

30 voters have answered this question.

do other people tell you your fat?

23% (7) NO!!!!
30% (9) no, But i know I am
30% (9) yes
16% (5) Absolutely!!!

30 voters have answered this question.

Do they say mean things about you?

40% (12) No
43% (13) no, But I heard a rumor they do
16% (5) yeah, they say it right to my face

30 voters have answered this question.

Did you get upset?

21% (6) why should I? It's MY body
17% (5) nope
35% (10) a little...
17% (5) It was VERY mean
7% (2) I Cried it was so bad!!

28 voters have answered this question.

why are you "Fat"?

17% (5) Genetic
37% (11) I just eat to much( Me)
13% (4) Im lazy and would rather play video games (me,and my fave is LOZ: The Wind Waker :p )
31% (9) a combination of the last two

29 voters have answered this question.

How big is your pants size (if you don't want to share, that's okay, but mine are 27 women's )

No graph available for this question

19 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever tried losing weight( i've tried to but it keeps comin' back!!)

13% (4) Can't, Genetic
65% (19) tried but can't
20% (6) Yes, and it worked!!

29 voters have answered this question.

my friends tell me guys secretly like bigger women, they just don't want to admit it, they also say one of my male friends likes me and thinks I have a nice big butt (which I totally do:p). Has a guy ever had a crush on you?

3% (1) no, guys look at me like i'm a monster or somethin'
17% (5) no
3% (1) No, but I know they do
35% (10) yes :)
39% (11) Yeah, he's my boyfriend

28 voters have answered this question.

Would you like me to make more polls?

10% (3) NO, YOU SUCK!!!!
0% (0) no
41% (12) Sure, why not?
20% (6) Sure, this was an okay poll
27% (8) DEFINATELY!!!!!!

29 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-09-13 19:19:25 by LegendOfShelby
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