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What sort of drama's do you like to watch ?

I'm a third year media student, and for I'm creating a television drama for my assessment. I'm doing audience reasearch into what sort of drama's people prefer to watch, and what catches the eye. What keeps people interested ect. It wont take more than ten minutes to complete and I'd really appreciate it. Thanks

How old are you ?

94% (18) 16-24
5% (1) 25-35
0% (0) 36-45

19 voters have answered this question.

In the last month or so which of these television drama's have you watched ?

10% (2) The Body Farm
21% (4) The Killing
5% (1) The Jury
63% (12) Shameless

19 voters have answered this question.

When watching drama's, which do you prefer ?

36% (7) Criminal
5% (1) Romantic
15% (3) Comedy
21% (4) Thriller
21% (4) Pyschological

19 voters have answered this question.

Typically what sort of drama's do you prefer ?

5% (1) One off's
15% (3) Two Part Drama
10% (2) Three Part Drama
47% (9) A series (6+ episodes)
21% (4) I doesnt make a difference

19 voters have answered this question.

How long would you typically spend watching a drama before switching to another channel if it doesnt catch your interest ?

26% (5) 5 minutes
57% (11) 10 minutes
10% (2) 15 minutes
5% (1) 20+ minutes

19 voters have answered this question.

Typically when watching a drama programme, how many characters would you be able to remember ?

5% (1) One (The main character)
0% (0) One (None main character
26% (5) Two (Main character's)
0% (0) Two (None main characters)
68% (13) Two or more characters

19 voters have answered this question.

What would you say presently lacks in British drama's that you have seen ?

No graph available for this question

19 voters have answered this question.

Which audiences would you say are marginalised in present British drama's ?

No graph available for this question

19 voters have answered this question.

Typically who would you watch television drama's with in your househould ?

57% (11) On my own
21% (4) With Family (including children under 16)
57% (11) With friends (Who are a similiar age)

19 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-10-18 11:30:22 by Swazi.Girl
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