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Icons in Christianity

A survey for a speech class concerning the use of Icons in the church.

What denomination are you?

11% (8) Evangelical Protestant
8% (6) Mainline Protestant
14% (10) Roman Catholic
19% (13) Eastern Orthodox
2% (2) Coptic Orthodox
14% (10) Old Catholics (Anglican, etc.)
2% (2) Lutheran or Moravian
23% (16) Unaligned or non-denominational

67 voters have answered this question.

Do you know what Icons are?

95% (63) yes
4% (3) no

66 voters have answered this question.

Do you recognize Icons as part of the Christian walk? or do you feel that they are an affront to God?

61% (41) Part of the Christian walk
19% (13) Affront to God
19% (13) I don't know

67 voters have answered this question.

Whatever your answer is to the previous question, what is your reasoning for this answer?

No graph available for this question

42 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-10-23 23:07:42 by sculleywr
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