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Movie Characters

Coolest/Toughest movie characters

Coolest superhero is....

36% (24) Batman
16% (11) Superman
1% (1) Spiderman
18% (12) Wonder Woman
13% (9) Iron Man
6% (4) Captain America
7% (5) The Hulk

66 voters have answered this question.

Coolest movie rebel.....

23% (15) John Bender (The Breakfast Club)
20% (13) Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
11% (7) Kumar (Of "Harold and Kumar" fame)
3% (2) Tony Alva (Lords of Dogtown/Z-Boys)
11% (7) Randle McMurphy (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
30% (19) V (V for Vendetta)

63 voters have answered this question.

Female movie character that is most likely to be able to beat you up

29% (19) Lara Croft (From freaking Tomb Raider, what else)
33% (22) Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
20% (13) Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
10% (7) Trinity (The Matrix) P.S. On a related note, how disappointing were the Matrix sequels? The first one was so good and the other two were so bleh.
6% (4) Evil twin girls (The Shining)

65 voters have answered this question.

Comments, complaints, suggestion?

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11 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-11-08 02:36:25 by Heyeveryone
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