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Commit a crime

Would you be willing to commit a crime if there was 0% chance of being caught?

How likely would you be to steal from a store at some point in your life if you had 0% chance of ever being caught?

31% (11) Not at all likely
14% (5) Very unlikely
8% (3) Unlikely
14% (5) Likely
17% (6) Very likely
14% (5) A certainty

35 voters have answered this question.

How likely would you be to try hard drugs (eg. cocaine) at some point in your life if you had 0% chance of ever being caught?

54% (19) Not at all likely
14% (5) Very unlikely
20% (7) Unlikely
5% (2) Likely
2% (1) Very likely
2% (1) A certainty

35 voters have answered this question.

How likely would you be to deal drugs at some point in your life if you had 0% chance of ever being caught?

57% (20) Not at all likely
14% (5) Very unlikely
11% (4) Unlikely
5% (2) Likely
5% (2) Very likely
5% (2) A certainty

35 voters have answered this question.

How likely would you be to commit sexual assault at some point in your life if you had 0% chance of ever being caught?

62% (22) Not at all likely
8% (3) Very unlikely
8% (3) Unlikely
5% (2) Likely
2% (1) Very likely
11% (4) A certainty

35 voters have answered this question.

How likely would you be to commit murder at some point in your life if you had 0% chance of ever being caught?

54% (19) Not at all likely
5% (2) Very unlikely
11% (4) Unlikely
14% (5) Likely
2% (1) Very likely
11% (4) A certainty

35 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

74% (26) Male
25% (9) Female

35 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-11-21 20:28:35 by dejour
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