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Is there a future in Web Based Accounting System?

This poll is to evaluate whether Web Based Accounting System could solve problems that Offline Accounting System can't. Most importantly, whether your business needs a Web Based Accounting System?
How many branches do you own?
How many companies do you have that are situated away from your office?
Rate your main concern on using a web based accounting system from 1 = Least to 10 = Most. Security (1-10) Speed (1-10) User Friendliness (1-10) Realiability (1-10) Data Ownership (1-10) Data Migration (1-10) Lock down to a particular Vendor (1-10) Software Ownership (1-10)
Is using web based accounting your last choice? Why?
Already owns UBS, MYOB, Offline Accounting Software
I prefer the windows based
Yes, if you can help move my data to the web
Others: (State Reasons)
What kind of tools do you use to monitor your branch inventory records?
In real time:(Teamviewer, Terminal Services, etc.)
Using pendrive
Send entry clerk over
How fast & frequent do you take to get the data back from your branch?
How secure is your means of transporting the data back?
Have you ever used a web based accounting system in the past?
Used before
Still using
Intend not to use anymore
Do you think having multilingual functionality in a software helps in particular branches located in a Non-English speaking country?
This poll was created on 2011-12-01 01:26:48 by chonglekjan