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Store Fitting Room

Fitting/changing rooms in stores are often poorly designed for privacy - especially male fitting/changing rooms. As a result accidents happens. Ever been embarrassed/caught in a state of undress in a fitting/changing room at a store?


70% (314) male
29% (133) female

447 voters have answered this question.


9% (44) <13
23% (104) 13-15
18% (82) 16-18
12% (55) 18-21
10% (49) 22-25
8% (39) 26-30
6% (31) 31-40
10% (48) >40

452 voters have answered this question.

Were there separate fitting area for males and females?

54% (246) yes, separate fitting rooms
45% (203) no, both sexes used same fitting room

449 voters have answered this question.

How were the changing cubicales made private?

12% (58) Floor to ceiling door
42% (191) Knee to shoulder door
29% (131) Opaque, full coverage, curtain
30% (138) Semi-sheer, flimsy, curtain

449 voters have answered this question.

If a door existed, did it have a lock?

31% (112) Yes
68% (245) No

357 voters have answered this question.

What state of dress/undress were you in when you were walked in on/caught?

7% (32) Shirtless
12% (56) No pants
38% (174) Just in underwear
14% (65) Topless, just in panties (only applies to ladies)
55% (246) Naked

447 voters have answered this question.

Guys, were you walked in on by a male or female?

52% (168) Male
47% (155) Female

323 voters have answered this question.

Ladies, were you walked in on by a male or female?

52% (92) Male
47% (82) Female

174 voters have answered this question.

Who walked in on you?

43% (196) Salesperson
63% (285) Other shopper
8% (36) Security guard
29% (132) Kid/child
7% (35) Other

446 voters have answered this question.

What did they do upon seeing you?

18% (82) Left
44% (199) Apologized
15% (68) Turned around
49% (220) Stood there and stared
36% (162) Struck up a conversation with you
11% (53) Other

445 voters have answered this question.

What did you do?

5% (25) Yelled, "get out" or something similar
4% (18) Screamed
12% (53) Turned around
29% (128) Tried to cover yourself/get dressed quickly
55% (242) Calmly continued to dress/undress/change
32% (145) Struck up a conversation with them
15% (66) Other

440 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel?

31% (138) Embarrassed/humiliated
6% (28) Angry/fealt like complaining to manager
65% (284) Aroused/turned on
29% (127) Stunned/shocked/didn't know what to do say

434 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-12-16 21:30:15 by ashton123
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