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What American Women Think of Men in Speedos

Are you a woman living in the United States?

85% (53) Yes (continue)
14% (9) No (Don not answer any more questions)

62 voters have answered this question.

State or U.S. territory where you live?

0% (0) Active Duty U.S. Air Force
1% (1) Active Duty U.S. Army
0% (0) Active Duty U.S. Coast Guard
1% (1) Active Duty U.S. Marine Corps
0% (0) Active Duty U.S. Navy
1% (1) Alabama
0% (0) Alaska
1% (1) American Samoa
1% (1) Arizona
0% (0) Arkansas
14% (9) California
0% (0) Colorado
0% (0) Connecticut
1% (1) Delaware
1% (1) District of Columbia
17% (11) Florida
4% (3) Georgia
0% (0) Guam
0% (0) Hawaii
1% (1) Idaho
3% (2) Illinois
3% (2) Indiana
0% (0) Iowa
0% (0) Kansas
0% (0) Kentucky
0% (0) Louisiana
1% (1) Maine
4% (3) Maryland
4% (3) Massachusetts
1% (1) Michigan
1% (1) Minnesota
0% (0) Mississippi
0% (0) Missouri
0% (0) Montana
0% (0) Nebraska
0% (0) Nevada
1% (1) New Hampshire
1% (1) New Jersey
0% (0) New Mexico
3% (2) New York
1% (1) North Carolina
0% (0) North Dakota
0% (0) Northern Mariana Islands
1% (1) Ohio
0% (0) Oklahoma
0% (0) Oregon
1% (1) Pennsylvania
0% (0) Puerto Rico
0% (0) Rhode Island
1% (1) South Carolina
0% (0) South Dakota
1% (1) Tennessee
3% (2) Texas
1% (1) Utah
0% (0) Vermont
6% (4) Virginia
3% (2) Washington
0% (0) West Virginia
0% (0) Wisconsin
0% (0) Wyoming

62 voters have answered this question.

Your age:

17% (11) 16 - 18
17% (11) 19 - 24
24% (15) 25 - 34
22% (14) 34 - 44
17% (11) 45+

62 voters have answered this question.

Do you love it when guys who wear board shorts and hate it when they wear speedos?

9% (6) Yes, speedos make me uncomfortable and I want to be the center of attention.
90% (56) No. Women need the eye candy too. Real men wear bikinis and real women love it when guys wear them.

62 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-12-19 17:50:43 by Kevin J
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