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Sexual inequality in Execution (historical)

I have already made a poll concerning the sexual inequality in corporal punishment. This poll can be found at:- http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/536789 Here is my poll concerning sexual inequality in Capital Punishment. This poll is not in any way advocating bringing any of the old and brutal execution methods back. I simply want peoples opinions so just give your real age and sex then answer every question as you feel it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so no judgement will be made on anyone regardless of the answers given.
What age and sex are you.
male 12 or under
male 13-17
male 18-30
male 31-40
male 41-50
male 51-60
male 60+
female 12 or under
female 13-17
female 18-30
female 31-40
female 41-50
female 51-60
female 60+
Historicaly many execution methods were used but most often criminals of noble birth were beheaded and peasants were not. Peasant males were usualy hanged by the neck and women usualy burned at the stake. Do you think this is bias AGAINST the lower classes?
males. Yes.
males. No.
Females. Yes
Females. No
Same situation as above. Do you think this is sexist AGAINST women?
males yes
males no
females yes
females no
You have been sentanced to death. What would you prefer?
I am male and I want to be beheaded.
I am male and I want to be hung.
I am male and I want to be burned at the stake.
I am female I want to be beheaded.
I am female I want to be hung.
I am female I want to be burned at the stake.
Men only In addition to the method mentioned above lots of other brutal methods of execution were used such as drawing and quartering, drowning, stoneing torn apart by horses etc. One man proposed to remove this inconsistant and random inhumane inequality by proposing the idea of quick and humane method of execution for all people of all ages of all classes. The Universal Decapitation Machine or Guillotine as it became know was used to execute all men women and children dureing the French revolution. "In principle," do you agree with this "Equality across the board" idea of punishment?
Yes in the name of equal justice for all.
No they should stick to the older more brutal methods of execution as they were a better deterent.
They should just Guillotine the women and children and use the older more torturous punishments for men.
They should only guillotine men and not execute women and children at all.
They should use the older more torturous punishments on the men but guillotine the women (instead of burning at the stake or whatever) and never execute children.
They should Guillotine both men and women equaly but never execute children.
No. In the name of freedom. Someone should have the right to chose how they die if they are to be put to death and be given options.
If I was given the choice I would chose to be guillotined over the older slower methods such as stoneing, burning, drawing and quartering etc.
If I was given a choice I would chose the Guillotine over the more modern methods of execution because the electric chair is less efficient and lethal injection takes too long.
Women only. Exactly same question and options as given above.
Yes in the name of equal justice for all.
No they should stick to the older and more brutal methods of execution.
They should just use the guillotine on women and children and use older more tortureous punishments on men.
They should guillotine all the men and not execute women and children at all.
They should use older punishments for men but use the guillotine only on women instead of burning them at the stake and not execute children at all.
They should guillotine men and women equaly but never execute children
No. In the name of freedom of choice someone should have the right to chose how they die if they are to be put to death and be given options.
If I was given the choice I would rarther be sent to the guillotine than any of the older execution methods used for women such as stoneing to death and being burnt at the stake.
If I was given a choice I would still prefer to be guillotined over the more modern forms of execution as the electric chair is inefficient and lethal injection takes too long.
To everyone under 18. same question as above.
Yes! All criminals men women and children should be treated equaly in the name of equal justice for all.
No. stick with the older more brutal punishments.
Use the more merciful guillotine on women and children and more brutal excecutions for the men.
Should they guillotine men and not execute women and children at all.
Brutal executions for men, guillotine the women and not execute children at all.
Guilotine both men and women but not execute children at all.
Everyone should have the right to chose how to die and all men women and children be given options.
I would rarther be set to the guillotine than be stoned to death or burnt at the stake.
Certain places in the world still have the death penalty for children. If I had a choice I would you still rarther chose to be sent to the guillotine than be strapped into an inefficient electric chair or a slow death by lethal injection.
2 Teenaged girls are accused of heresy. Joan (a catholic) against the protestants. Jane (a protestant) against the catholics. neither have actualy committed any crimes that warrant the death penalty but POLITICALY speaking (This is a historical poll) they both have to die! Queen Jane who is of noble birth is given a swift and merciful beheading. Joan (a peasant girl) is slowly burnt to death at the stake.
They were wrong to burn Joan she should have been beheaded.
Jane should not be given special treatment she should have been burnt at the stake like other heretics.
Adults only. As a child I went to a Christian School and the teachers always taught us "Bible Stories" so we would learn from them. Without fail, every single one of these Bible stories was about murder, suicide, wars, treachery, genocide, the mass extermination of thousands of baby boys on at least 2 occasions etc. There was also the constant whipping of slaves and references to bondage and prostitution. In fact there was not a single story I can remember in which someone was not punished by death for something whether or not they were guilty or innnocent. (Check stories of Joseph in Egypt, Moses, Lot, St Steven, John the Babtist and Jesus to name but a few.) The 1 ordering/carrying these mass multiple death sentences was either some King attempting to protect his crown and his Kingdom (this was unjust apparently) or God himself exterminating humans in their thousands using fire and water for the (apparently) capital crimes of being corrupt and/or not believeing in him and this was considered perfectly acceptable (and just apparently because it was God did it) Btw we were all 4-7 years old at the time. Is this sort of material acceptable for little children?
Yes as long as it is teaching religion.
No. This sort of graphic material is very heavily cencored in every other childrens book and nothing available to little kids should ever have such disturbing and graphic depictions of such torture methods or brutal executions of people.
Yes. It is perfectly acceptable to teach little children about such things in all subjects not just RE as children are meant to learn and children love being told graphic and detailed stories about such interesting things. Even going so far as to describe the hanging of hundreds of women dureing the salem witch trials on halloween.
To all under18s. Same question as above. Are stories about such graphic executions acceptable for little children.
Yes as long as it is Teaching Religion.
No. But who cares the bible is boring anyway.
I thaught Easter was about getting chocolate eggs from bunnies! I thaught Christmas was about getting presents! I thaught Halloween was about having fancy dress parties and getting sweets! I thaught 5th November was about having Bonfires and being allowed to set off Fireworks! I want to know what REALY happened? Who died? History has just become more interesting!
Are you in favour of capital punishment?
Yes For Everyone convicted of a capital crime.
Maybe but only in exceptional circumstances. (particularty sadistic serial killers for example)
I dont know?
Yes for men but not women and children.
Yes for women but not for men and children
Yes for men and women but not for children
This poll was created on 2011-12-29 14:19:50 by Dazo