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Do you get stomachaches when you're hungry?

16% (10) no
83% (50) yes

60 voters have answered this question.

How bad are your stomachaches?

22% (13) 1 (TORTURE!!!)
34% (20) 2 (painful)
10% (6) 3 (ouch!)
18% (11) 4 (OK)
13% (8) 5 (barely noticeable)

58 voters have answered this question.

Do you try to soothe your stomachache?

20% (12) yes, by eating food
38% (23) yes, by rubbing my stomach
6% (4) yes, by getting a stomach massage
33% (20) no, i wait for it to pass

59 voters have answered this question.

Besides a stomachache, does your stomach ever growl or gurgle when you are hungry?

78% (47) yes, my stomach growls loudly
26% (16) yes, my stomach growls softly
26% (16) yes, my stomach gurgles loudly
20% (12) yes, my stomach gurgles softly
18% (11) sometimes (depends)
1% (1) no, i just get a stomachache

60 voters have answered this question.

How do you react to a hungry stomachache?

31% (19) JUST EAT SOMETHING - duh
10% (6) curl up on the couch and wait for it to go away
18% (11) clutch my stomach and ride out the pain
8% (5) lie down on my bed and go to sleep
5% (3) take some medicine to make it stop
41% (25) rub my stomach or get a stomach massage
35% (21) other

60 voters have answered this question.

What was the worst stomachache you ever got from being hungry?

No graph available for this question

30 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-01-01 22:17:42 by Brooke707
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