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Draco vs. Hermione

Two characters from the Harry Potter movies/books go at it in different competitions
Who wins in a duel?
Hermione wins with the stunning hex
Draco wins with the body-bind hex
Who wins in a chess match?
Hermione wins
Draco wins
Who gets the higher grade in potions class?
Hermione does
Draco does
Who wins in a arm wrestling match?
Hermione pins Draco's arm
Draco pins Hermione's arm
Who wins in a broom race?
Hermione wins
Draco wins
Who wins in a swim race?
Hermione wins
Draco wins
Who wins in a staring contest?
Draco blinks first, Hermione wins
Hermione blinks first, Draco wins
Who wins in a wrestling match?
Hermione pins Draco's wrists for the count of 3
Draco pins Hermione's wrists for the count of 3
Who wins in a tickle fight?
Hermione tickles Draco's ribs and sides till he gives up
Draco tickles Hermione's ribs and sides till she give up
Hermione tickles Draco's feet till he begs for mercy
Draco tickles Hermione's feet till she begs for mercy
This poll was created on 2012-01-11 23:01:23 by IX22