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Boys and their underwear

Anything from red-cheeked embarrassment to squirmy fidgety exasperation can be caused by those smallest and most indispensable items of any boy's wardrobe. We all wear them, and most of us get annoyed by them pretty often. Come on boys, now's your chance to tell the world all about your pants!
How old are you?
Cheeky little under 11
Sweet-as-can-be 11-13
Super-cute 14 or over
What sort of underwear do you have? You can tick more than one.
How do you feel about your underwear?
I can't stand underwear, I wish we didn't have to wear it
It drives me up the wall sometimes, but I've learned to put up with it
Underwear's not that bad, and your "bits" would annoy you much more without it
I'm lucky, I don't get as irritated by my underwear as most boys
So what's so bad about having to wear underwear? You can tick more than one.
Underwear's embarrassing when seen and hard to keep hidden
It makes you way too hot in all the worst places in the summer
You feel trapped and flustered with your bottom and "bits" all wrapped up in stretchy cotton
It gets too tight sometimes
Underwear ride-up's no fun for a boy, and you have to pluck it out immediately
It gets you so itchy and prickly that you can't sit still in class
All that twangy elastic gets on your nerves
Underwear's SUCH a pain, I wish we could go without it like the girls do
I don't mind my underwear that much
What do you do at school when someone tells you your underpants are showing?
Blush and do everything I can to cover my underwear up at once
Feel a bit irritated and hitch up my trousers or shorts
I actually like my underpants to show a little bit, so I don't mind them being seen
Is it more embarrassing if a girl tells you she can see your underwear?
Yes, more embarrassing
It's still embarrassing, but not especially so
If I'm wearing cute ones I'd like the girls to see
It's harder to keep your underpants hidden when you're wearing little PE shorts. What do you do if someone tells you they can see them in PE?
Blush and squirm, because they're impossible to hide
I get a bit hot in the face but I just keep trying to do well at the lesson
I don't mind if it's all boys, though I would blush if we were having PE with the girls
I'd try to do better at the game than the boy or girl who teased me, because that'd take them down a peg or two whether they could see my pants or not!
After a long and frustrating day at school, is it a relief to slip out of your underwear and kick back without any on?
A really BIG relief. I look forward to this every single day.
If it was a hot day or my underwear was being a nuisance, I'd definitely do this.
I leave my underpants on after school - they're irritating, but I get more irritated not wearing them.
I'm quite cosy and snug in my underwear by the end of the school day, so it's nice to laze about in them in the evening.
What do you wear in bed?
T-shirt and underpants
T-shirt and shorts with pants underneath
T-shirt and shorts without underwear
Pyjamas with pants underneath
Pyjamas without underwear
If you wear your underwear to bed, why? You can tick more than one.
It keeps you all tucked in while you're getting comfortable
I might need to get up in the night, and my "bits" annoy me if I walk around without pants on
The only other thing I wear in bed is a T-shirt, so I need my underwear to cover my modesty!
I think I look cute sleeping in my underwear
If you don't wear your underwear to bed, why not? You can tick more than one.
You can't relax if all your "bits" are getting squeezed in tight underpants
It's hard enough for a boy to get to sleep, I don't want to be scratching my bottom and tugging down my ride-up and adjusting my leg-holes all night long
I sure don't want to have underwear-smell when I get up in the morning
Wearing underwear to bed's embarrassing, it's what little boys do
Lastly, you can use this space to say anything else you'd like to about your underwear.
This poll was created on 2012-02-01 07:17:57 by AJP1992