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Health Care Act and Church Attendance

I have wondered if there is a correlation either way between church attendance and support for or opposition to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare). Regardless of your opinion you are encouraged to post a message.
1. First, two screening questions. Where do you live?
A. United States (please continue).
B. Outside the United States (please do not answer any more questions).
2. How old are you?
A. Under 18 (please do not answer any more questions).
B. 18 - 29.
C. 30 - 44.
D. 45 - 64.
E. 65 and older.
3. Next, one demographic question. Are you male or female?
A. Male.
B. Female.
4. How many times per month do you attend church/synagogue/mosque?
A. Zero or once (please proceed to question five).
B. Twice (please do not answer any more questions).
C. Three times or more (please proceed to question seven).
5. Which best describes your religious preference?
A. Protestant.
B. Catholic.
C. Christian Orthodox.
D. Jewish.
E. Islam.
F. Hindu, Buddhist, and/or Shinto.
G. Agnostic.
H. Atheist.
I. Other.
6. Which best describes your attitude to Affordable Care Act or Obamacare?
A. It should be repealed.
B. It is OK, but needs a few minor revisions.
C. It is great, do not change it.
D. Do not know.
7. For those who attend church/synagogue/mosque three times or more per month, please answer questions seven and eight. Which best describes your religious preference?
A. Protestant.
B. Catholic.
C. Christian Orthodox.
D. Jewish.
E. Islam.
F. Hindu, Buddhist, and/or Shinto.
G. Other.
8. Which best describes your attitude to ACA or Obamacare?
A. It should be repealed.
B. It is OK, but needs a few minor revisions.
C. It is great, do not change it.
D. Do not know.
This poll was created on 2012-02-11 02:37:52 by JohnP0123