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War on Women's Health

A Questionaire for women, and men, to express how they feel about the war on women's health, how you feel about possible legislation in Virginia that would require a ultra sound before getting an abortion, and President Obama's compromise on contraception
What political party do you associate with?
Green Party
Which side do you lean most towards in regards to Abortion?
Do you believe a women should be required to have an ultra sound, which is not a medical necessity, before getting an abortion? FYI This is possibly going to be passed in Virgina and has already been passed in some states.
No matter what your personal opinion on birth control, should women be allowed ACCESS to contraception?
Should women NOT be able to ACCESS birth control?
yes- they should NOT have access
no- they should have access
Knowing the republican candidates are against abortion and contraception, will you still vote for a republican candidate for president?
Yes- I will vote for a republican
No- i will not vote republican
If abortion were to become illegal what do you thing would happen?
There would be more babies
Since it's illegal, there will be no more abortions
Even though it's illegal, abortions will still occur
If abortions become illegal, do you think the health of women across this country will become better or worse?
Don't know
Better- we will save lives
Worse- women who seek illegal abortions will put their lives in danger
In your opinion as a women, or man, do men have the right to decide what will happen to a woman's body?
yes- they do
no- they don't
yes- if they're a woman's spouse
no- not even if they are a woman's spouse
Should a man have the power to force a woman to carry a child for 9 months and give birth?
Please answer which applies best to you:
republican woman- uses birth control
republican woman- does not use birth control
democratic woman- uses birth control
democratic woman- does not use birth control
other political party-woman- uses birth control
other political party-woman- does not use birth control
i'm a male
if your are a republican woman who uses birth control who will you vote for
Republican nominee
not a republican
i'm a male
if you are a republican woman who does not use birth control who will you vote for?
Republican nominee
not a republican
i'm a male
thank you for participating!!!
This poll was created on 2012-02-22 05:16:50 by sarahgb