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What tags should "The Games We Play" carry?

As you can see, I've excluded "Crossover" and "Human" because those obviously don't work and I don't want you guys to have the option of being tools by voting only for them. I've also excluded "Romance", because that's obvious and is going to be a tag no matter what. Other than that, these are all the story tags that FIMFiction.net currently uses, so please vote for all that you feel apply. Multiple votes ARE allowed.

What tags should "The Games We Play" carry?

1% (1) Tragedy
73% (44) Sad
35% (21) Dark
20% (12) Comedy
5% (3) Random
35% (21) Adventure
60% (36) Slice of Life
6% (4) Alternate Universe

60 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-02-27 18:28:26 by AbsoluteAnonymous
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