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Television DVDs

Do you ever purchase television shows on impulse, or go to the store looking for a specific show?

39% (27) I only buy the program that I specifically came for
26% (18) I will buy a program on impulse, but only if I have heard good things about it
4% (3) I will buy a program on impulse if it looks interesting, even if I have never heard of it
30% (21) I only buy tv shows online (purchasing dvds shipped by mail, not counting streaming media)

69 voters have answered this question.

How much does the price sway your purchase decision (i.e. if a show was priced cheaper than other similar shows would you buy the cheaper one, or pick based only on which you think you will like more)?

11% (8) I do not consider the price in deciding what to purchase
55% (38) If a show was priced cheaper than similar programs I would be more likely to buy it over the more expensive option.
0% (0) If a show was priced cheaper than similar programs I would be less likely to buy it over the more expensive option
33% (23) I only buy programs that I am specifically looking for, regardless of price

69 voters have answered this question.

Are you willing to pay more for programs from premium cable networks (HBO, Showtime, etc.) than series from network tv/basic cable?

20% (14) Yes
79% (55) No

69 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-02-27 23:51:46 by Zakis
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