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diapered for a plane flight

Were you ever diapered for a plane flight

Male or female

57% (453) Male
42% (336) Female

789 voters have answered this question.

Were you diapered for a plane flight

98% (767) Yes
1% (12) No

779 voters have answered this question.

How old were you

4% (39) 1-5
17% (135) 6-10
77% (615) 10-15

789 voters have answered this question.

If so what diapers did you wear

10% (84) Cloth diapers
36% (290) Baby disposables
15% (125) Pull ups
0% (7) Easy ups
20% (162) Goodnites
1% (13) Underjams
13% (108) Other

789 voters have answered this question.

How long was your flight

32% (260) 1-5 hrs
39% (314) 6-10 hrs
27% (215) 11-20 hrs

789 voters have answered this question.

Did you use your diaper

98% (781) Yes
1% (8) No

789 voters have answered this question.

If so what did you do

58% (454) Pee
10% (84) Poop
49% (388) Both

779 voters have answered this question.

If so Were you changed

84% (666) Yes
15% (123) No

789 voters have answered this question.

If you were changed who changed you

49% (392) Mom
6% (53) Dad
6% (52) Brother
11% (88) Sister
25% (204) Yourself

789 voters have answered this question.

Where were you changed

44% (348) Plane bathroom
55% (441) After you landed

789 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-03-01 00:01:56 by hailey12@34@56
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