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What was your experience from a frat party - Females Only

Where did you go to a frat party?

41% (15) Dirty College Frat House - On Campus
55% (20) Nice College Frat House - Off Campus
30% (11) House - Off Campus
5% (2) Other

36 voters have answered this question.

Who invited you?

11% (4) Nobody - I/We crashed it
41% (15) A boyfriend
69% (25) A friend
5% (2) Other

36 voters have answered this question.

Did you get drunk?

77% (28) Totally Hammed
16% (6) A Little Tipsy
5% (2) Not a drop to drink
0% (0) Other

36 voters have answered this question.

Did you end up having sex?

91% (33) Oh Yeah
5% (2) No
30% (11) Where?

36 voters have answered this question.

Did you have to pee but the bathrooms were full or totally disgusting?

73% (25) Yes
26% (9) No

34 voters have answered this question.

If the bathrooms were full or disgusting, what did you do?

No graph available for this question

25 voters have answered this question.

Did you stay the night or get a ride home?

77% (28) Stayed
16% (6) Walked
5% (2) Drove
11% (4) Cab
19% (7) Went with a friend

36 voters have answered this question.

What was the funniest thing you saw at a frat party?

No graph available for this question

22 voters have answered this question.

What was the sickest thing you saw at a frat party?

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23 voters have answered this question.

Is there anything else you want to say

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19 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-03-08 01:17:41 by frickerfrenzy
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