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Multi Day Hiking Trip

You and I are friends and we are going on a three day hiking trip with just the two of us, you decide our trip! I am 23 and love to go out hiking in the wilderness

You are..

72% (26) Male
25% (9) Female
2% (1) Not Telling

36 voters have answered this question.

Your age?

36% (14) 14-18
15% (6) 18-20
7% (3) 20-24
23% (9) 24-30
15% (6) 30+

38 voters have answered this question.

what supplies should we take on our hiking trip?

2% (1) insect repellant
7% (3) Camping tent
23% (9) food for multiple days
7% (3) fire starter
2% (1) bear bell (to keep um..bears away)
31% (12) Backpack for supplies
5% (2) compass
7% (3) map
10% (4) hunting knife
0% (0) a gun for self defence

38 voters have answered this question.

what should I be wearing?

42% (16) Shorts
44% (17) a hat
28% (11) Camouflaged pants
26% (10) dog tag
31% (12) sunglasses
18% (7) open button front shirt with no shirt underneath
28% (11) t-shirt
57% (22) hiking boots
18% (7) jeans
50% (19) no shirt
68% (26) backpack for supplies
21% (8) change of clothes

38 voters have answered this question.

What will you be wearing?

71% (27) Shorts
55% (21) a hat
15% (6) camouflaged pants
15% (6) dog tag
34% (13) sunglasses
18% (7) open button front shirt with no shirt underneath
34% (13) t-shirt
55% (21) hiking boots
10% (4) jeans
36% (14) no shirt
68% (26) backpack for supplies
28% (11) change of clothes

38 voters have answered this question.

what do you like about hiking?

84% (32) I love the outdoors
36% (14) get a tan
76% (29) the freedom
84% (32) nobody around but myself and friends
73% (28) nature

38 voters have answered this question.

have you really ever spent multiple days hiking in the woods?

81% (31) yes
18% (7) no

38 voters have answered this question.

who do you think is better at reading a map? me or you?

76% (29) Me,naturally
23% (9) You...

38 voters have answered this question.

who is best at reading a compass me or you?

56% (21) Me
43% (16) You

37 voters have answered this question.

who should carry the heavy supplies?

100% (38) You :D

38 voters have answered this question.

Thank you

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-03-08 05:14:43 by Matt225
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