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daughter pampered

how old are you_____

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32 voters have answered this question.

Are you pampered by your mother

85% (36) yes
4% (2) no
9% (4) others

42 voters have answered this question.

how are you pampered, bathed, brushing hair, others _____

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24 voters have answered this question.

if Others that pampered_____

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17 voters have answered this question.

which has informed the person_____

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11 voters have answered this question.

Are you embarrassed

64% (27) yes
35% (15) no

42 voters have answered this question.

why are you embarrassed ,you do not like,too old, others _____

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15 voters have answered this question.

When are pampered

12% (5) every morning
12% (5) every night
62% (25) every morning and night
7% (3) special day, wedding, parties
5% (2) weekend

40 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-03-11 14:41:04 by gismo
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