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possible NFL Expansion

How many teams should there be in the national and american football confences combined?

4% (2) 16-
40% (18) 16-32
36% (16) 33-40
4% (2) 41-48
13% (6) 49-56

44 voters have answered this question.

What cities should have an NFC or AFC team

11% (5) San Jose
61% (27) Los Angeles
9% (4) Anahiem
20% (9) Charlote
29% (13) Salt Lake City
15% (7) Sacremento
4% (2) Fresno
36% (16) Las Vegas
31% (14) Portland
31% (14) Nashville
9% (4) Savanah
13% (6) Boise
2% (1) Lancaster
6% (3) Danville
40% (18) San Antonio
2% (1) Trenton, NJ
20% (9) Columbus
11% (5) Tallahasse
22% (10) Orlando
15% (7) Louisville
22% (10) Richmond
6% (3) Augusta
18% (8) Millwaukee
6% (3) Helena
15% (7) Cheyenne
25% (11) Boston
29% (13) Austin
2% (1) Amarillo
15% (7) Albuquerque
4% (2) Gilroy
18% (8) Des Moines
6% (3) St. Paul
6% (3) Baton Rouge
29% (13) Hartford
15% (7) Anchorage
25% (11) Other

44 voters have answered this question.

What nickmanes should the teams have?

36% (16) Spartans
13% (6) Indians
11% (5) Soldiers
6% (3) Farmers
6% (3) Peasants
31% (14) Wolves
9% (4) Foxes
15% (7) Coyotes
2% (1) Quails
15% (7) Blue Jays
18% (8) Blackbirds
36% (16) Sharks
25% (11) Rangers
9% (4) Boar
25% (11) Lightnig
25% (11) Hurricanes
18% (8) Barracudas
4% (2) Eskimos
29% (13) Warriors
25% (11) Thrashers
11% (5) Werewolves
9% (4) Psychedelics
11% (5) Pyros
18% (8) Daredevils
31% (14) Generals
2% (1) Rabbits
11% (5) Hunters
20% (9) Cannons
2% (1) Balistas
13% (6) Slashers
13% (6) Archers
11% (5) Miners
4% (2) Ducks
6% (3) Princes
6% (3) Trapers
29% (13) Cougers
6% (3) Buffalo
27% (12) Cheetahs
20% (9) Lynxes
11% (5) Tracers
11% (5) Eruption
13% (6) Lava
20% (9) Ice
11% (5) Blues
43% (19) Knights
4% (2) Sheriffs
2% (1) Lobsters
31% (14) Grizzlies
11% (5) Alligators
4% (2) Miracles
25% (11) Raptors
18% (8) Dinosaurs
22% (10) Barons
6% (3) Natives
6% (3) Pheonixs
25% (11) Other

44 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-02-29 03:21:51 by sam headley
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