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Indoor PE in bare feet?

Do you love that feeling of shoeless freedom in PE? Or do you shudder at the thought of your bare soles on a filthy floor in a freezing gym hall? Doing PE in bare feet -- some love it, others hate it. Some schools enforce it, others ban it outright. What is (or was) your experience? NOTE: This poll is about INDOOR PE only
Are you male or female?
How old are you?
Younger than 15
15 to 17
18 to 25
26 to 30
Older than 30
What is the rule for footwear during indoor PE - for BOYS
Bare feet compulsory
Bare feet preferred, shoes allowed
Free choice
Shoes preferred, bare feet allowed
Shoes compulsory
What is the rule for footwear during indoor PE - for GIRLS
Bare feet compulsory
Bare feet preferred, shoes allowed
Free choice
Shoes preferred, bare feet allowed
Shoes compulsory
How do you feel about doing indoor PE in bare feet?
Love it
Would love it, but not allowed
Don't care
Hate it, but no choice
How many participants do indoor PE in bare feet?
75 to 100%
50 to 75%
25 to 50%
0 to 25%
When not barefoot, what is your footwear for indoor PE?
Plimsolls without socks
Plimsolls with socks
Socks only
Do you think girls and boys have different attitudes towards doing PE barefoot?
No difference
Yes, girls do PE barefoot more often than boys
Yes, boys do PE barefoot more often than girls
What are the reasons (if any) why you DON'T like doing PE barefoot (more than one answer possible)
Dirty floor
Risk of injury
Is your PE teacher male or female?
What footwear does your PE teacher have?
Always bare feet
Sometimes bare feet
Always shoes
This poll was created on 2001-11-01 17:23:36 by erjan2800