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Morals and Ethics of Crushing Snails

I like seeing women step on snails, and I wanted to get a sense of what people thought about this. I think that as snails are non-sentient, they can be killed without moral issue. I wanted to know if people agreed with me.
Is crushing snails wrong?
Yes, it is absolutely wrong!
No, there's nothing morally/ethically wrong with that.
It's more complicated than that.
If you answered "no" to the above question, is killing sentient animals, like cows, cats, or mice wrong?
Yes, crushing snails is totally different!
No, cows and snails can both be killed without any moral issues.
It's more complicated than that.
Women Only: would you crush snails for a boyfriend?
Yes, I would absolutely crush them underfoot for him!
No, that's pretty sick and I would never do that.
What is your sex, and what is your opinion on me liking to see women crush snails?
Female: it's weird, but nothing wrong with it.
Female: it's sick, and you're sick!
Male: it's weird, but nothing wrong with it.
Male: it's sick, and you're sick!
This poll was created on 2012-04-21 02:55:07 by SnkrCrpr