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Survey on abortion

Hey, I'm making this poll because I have an assessment for a Citizenship/R.E project due in. I really just want your views on this issue of whether you're against abortion, or for it. Thanks for your help, Kellie xoxo


77% (84) Male
22% (24) Female

108 voters have answered this question.


28% (31) 16 or under:
16% (18) 17-20
21% (24) 21-30
33% (37) 31 or over

110 voters have answered this question.

What religion are you?

43% (48) Christian
12% (14) Protestant
9% (10) Catholic
10% (11) Roman Catholic
1% (2) Hindu
1% (2) Buddhist
0% (0) Muslim
1% (2) Jewish
6% (7) Non-denominational
24% (27) Athiest
10% (11) Other

110 voters have answered this question.

Are you sexually active?

52% (58) Yes
47% (52) No

110 voters have answered this question.

If the answer to the above question was yes, how often would you say you use a form of birth control?

36% (40) Always
5% (6) Mostly
12% (14) Sometimes
45% (50) Never

110 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel abortion should be a religious issue?

40% (45) Yes
59% (65) No

110 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel religion should be a political issue?

26% (29) Yes
73% (81) No

110 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel that the woman should have the right to decide what happens to her own body?

58% (64) Yes
13% (15) No
31% (35) It depends

110 voters have answered this question.

Have you or do you know anyone that has terminated a pregnancy?

53% (59) Yes
46% (51) No

110 voters have answered this question.

Would you support a loved one having an abortion?

40% (45) Yes
28% (31) No
30% (34) Depends on circumstances

110 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel a teenager should have the option to have a legal abortion?

61% (68) Yes
38% (42) No

110 voters have answered this question.

If you found yourself in a situation where you or your partner were pregnant today, would abortion be an option?

30% (33) Yes
42% (47) No
27% (30) Depends on circumstances

110 voters have answered this question.

Are you totally against all forms of abortion?

33% (37) Yes
66% (73) No

110 voters have answered this question.

Women: If your answer to the above question was yes, if you ever got raped and bacame pregnant, would you have an abortion? Men: If your answer to the above question was yes, if your; girlfriend, wife, sister, mother or friend got raped and became pregnant, would you want them to have an abortion?

60% (67) Yes
39% (43) No

110 voters have answered this question.

Your views on abortion, stories, expieriences or anything else you would like to add? (optional)

No graph available for this question

38 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-04-22 21:10:33 by kellieioannou
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