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Strict dress code at home

I am a 15 year old girl. My mom came up with this new idea: very strict dress code at home, that I must wear all days of the week (including weekends). This dress code includes a white long-sleeved shirt that I must button all the way up, and I must wear a tight tie under the collar. I must tuck my shirt in my skirt, that must be pulled up at lest 10 centimeters above my belly button. The skirt should fall below my knees, pulled up high. She checks on me about three to four times a day whether my collar is tight enough, whether my skirt is pulled up high enough, etc. I have to study three hours a day, and on the weekends twice as much (six hrs a day). I must have a perfect posture when studying, eating, reading. When I do something wrong she punishes me. Punishments are such things like I have to knee in the corner for two hours, or I get writing lines, and I also get grounded. I am creating this poll to receive other people's opinions on dress code at home. Thank you for taking your time filling this out!
Do you have a dress code at home?
Are you male or female?
If you have dress code at home, what does it include?
Long sleeved dress shirt
Short sleeved dress shirt
Dress pants
Clean dress shoes
None of these
The way your parents tell you to wear your shirt
Should be buttoned all the way up, including the collar
Don't need to button the collar button
Do you need to tuck in your shirt?
Do you have to wear a tie?
Do you have to pull your skirt/pants up a certain height?
Yes, should be pulled up above my belly button
Right on my belly button
Below my belly button
They dont care
My mom checks 3-4 times a day whether my collar and tie are tight enough around my neck and my skirt is pulled up above my belly button secured with a tight leather belt. Does your mom/dad do that too?
My mother expects me to sit with a perfect posture. My back shoud be straight and my knees and feet should touch eachother. Should I obey and do what she says?
Yes, you should sit the way your mom asks you to
No, sit how you want
How much time should you study on weekdays?
1-2 hrs
3-4 hrs
4-5 hrs
5+ hrs
Just get homework done
What punishments do you get when you dont do something the way your parents tell you to? Please explain in a couple of sentences.
Do you find your parents strict?
Yes, very strict, and I am thankful for them for caring about my future
Strict, and i hate it
Not too strict
Not strict at all
When can you take your dress code/uniform off?
When I finish with all my homework
When I finish with dinner
Only before I go to bed
This poll was created on 2012-05-01 14:46:54 by JessyTay