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Sally's quick questions

I'm interested in hearing different perspectives on these questions to get an idea of what is normal. Please feel free to comment at the end if you need to provide more information. Thank you for participating!
It is normal for healthy adults to feel joint and muscle pain
All of the time
Most of the time
Some of the time
Only after exercise
Rarely/ only after injury
Children should receive appropriate medication (eg, Children's Panadol, herbal equivalents) for pain. Please check all that apply
For headaches, stomach aches, and other general aches
For major injuries (broken bones, sprains)
For minor injuries (muscle strains, deep bruises, sunburn)
For sinus pain, earaches, and other illness-related pain
Any time a child complains of pain
Only when directed by doctor
Never, due to concerns about medication side effects
Never, as children do not require pain medication
Other (please specifiy)
It is immature and/or inappropriate for adult women to cry in front of others (excepting funerals, disasters, etc)
Women can cry whenever they feel the need
Crying just happens sometimes. As long as you don't make a big spectacle or distract people it's okay
Crying is unprofessional in the workplace, but otherwise okay
It is okay to cry in front of close friends and family but not acquaintances
Women should excuse themselves and cry in private - preferably at home
Outside of funerals, and disasters, women should not feel the need to cry
Other (please specifiy)
Are you currently experiencing pain (of any variety or severity)
Yes I feel something aching or hurting
Yes, but only if I move or touch a painful part
No, I do not feel any pain anywhere in my body
Anything else you want to add?
This poll was created on 2012-05-12 06:20:03 by Cinara