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Favorite horror character (classics)

Freddy, Michael or Jason ?

37% (26) Hell yeah ! FREDDY!
31% (22) Hm.. Michael
31% (22) Jason. Ha-Ha-Ch-Ch

70 voters have answered this question.

Best weapon..?

25% (17) Michael's kitchen knife.
35% (24) Jason's machete.
39% (27) Freddy's claw.

68 voters have answered this question.

Whose the best at killing?

29% (20) Michael. Because he's a freakin' ninja.
26% (18) Jason. Shows up unexpectedly.

68 voters have answered this question.

Best scene??

35% (24) Creepy camp crystal lake..
26% (18) Being in freddy's world.
38% (26) A dark corner on the street..with michael. Watching you.

68 voters have answered this question.

Did you like all of the older movies of these classical killers better?

76% (51) Of course ! The older the better !
5% (4) Nah, I like the newer stuff.
17% (12) I don't know. o.o

67 voters have answered this question.

If you were being killed, in any of their movie scenes. Which one would kill you?

10% (7) Michael.
19% (13) Fred.
15% (10) Jason.
54% (36) Uh, none!

66 voters have answered this question.

Do you find any of them attractive in a weird way? O.o

11% (8) Yeah. Freddy, because he's seductive with the chicks before he kills them.
10% (7) Michael because he's a shy guy. :3
4% (3) Jason. Tall and creepily attractive when he stalks.
65% (44) NO!
7% (5) <3 All.

67 voters have answered this question.

What was your favorite movie?

9% (6) I don't know.
16% (11) Friday the 13th.
34% (23) Nightmare on elm street.
39% (26) Halloween.

66 voters have answered this question.

Did you like this poll ?

63% (42) Yeah, it was good.
21% (14) Nah.
15% (10) :3

66 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-05-28 03:41:59 by january
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