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Irreligion poll

A poll about irreligion, atheism, agnosticism and non-religion

What are you?

92% (74) Irreligious (continue the poll)
7% (6) Religious (please leave the poll or jump to the results)

80 voters have answered this question.

Your gender?

77% (60) Male
20% (16) Female
0% (0) Female-to-male transsexual
1% (1) Male-to-female transsexual

77 voters have answered this question.

Your age?

0% (0) Under 10
3% (3) 10 - 13
27% (21) 14 - 17
22% (17) 18 - 21
12% (10) 22 - 25
5% (4) 26 - 30
5% (4) 31 - 35
2% (2) 36 - 40
3% (3) 41 - 50
10% (8) 51 - 60
6% (5) Over 60

77 voters have answered this question.

Where are you from?

67% (52) North America
0% (0) Central America
0% (0) South America
20% (16) Western Europe
7% (6) Eastern Europe
0% (0) Middle East
0% (0) Africa
3% (3) Oceania
0% (0) Far East (China, Korea, Japan, S-E Asia)
0% (0) Asia other that Far East and Middle East

77 voters have answered this question.

What is your sexual orientation?

51% (40) Heterosexual - attracted towards the opposite sex
19% (15) Homosexual - attracted towards the same sex
16% (13) Bisexual - attracted towards both sexes
0% (0) Asexual - no attraction
11% (9) Bi-curious - Heterosexual with somewhat curiousity for the same sex

77 voters have answered this question.

What is your race?

85% (64) Caucasian European
0% (0) Caucasian Arab
5% (4) Caucasian Hispanic/Latin American
1% (1) Indian (from India)
0% (0) Gypsy
1% (1) Mongoloid Eastern Asian
0% (0) Mongoloid Native american
0% (0) Negroid African
0% (0) Negroid Native Australian
4% (3) Mixed
2% (2) Superior Aryan master race

75 voters have answered this question.

Are you racist?

1% (1) Yes, very racist
1% (1) Yes
20% (15) Yes, a little racist
77% (58) No

75 voters have answered this question.

Ever was religious or made part of a religion?

60% (45) Yes I did, now I don't
40% (30) No never did

75 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what religion was that?

52% (33) Christian
3% (2) Muslim
0% (0) Judaist
0% (0) Hindu
0% (0) Buddhist
0% (0) Jainist
0% (0) Satanist
1% (1) Juche
0% (0) Taoist
0% (0) Confucianist
0% (0) Spiritualist
7% (5) Unitarian Universalist
0% (0) Folk religion
0% (0) New Age religion
0% (0) Tribal native religion
0% (0) Shinto
0% (0) Sikhist
0% (0) Baha'i
0% (0) Cao Dai
1% (1) Wicca
3% (2) Pagan
0% (0) Rastafari
4% (3) Other
25% (16) No religion

63 voters have answered this question.

What is your current belief?

9% (7) Implicit/Weak atheist - the absence of theistic belief without a conscious rejection of it, do not believe in deities, but do not assert it is true that deities do not exist
18% (14) Explicit/Strong atheist - belief in god is irrational and should therefore be rejected, it is false that any deities exist
6% (5) Practical/Apathetic atheist - acting with apathy, disregard, or lack of interest towards belief or disbelief in a deity
2% (2) Weak/Soft agnostic - The view that the existence or nonexistence of any deities is currently unknown but is not necessarily unknowable; therefore, one will withhold judgment until/if any evidence is available. A weak agnostic would say, "I don't know whether any deities exist or not, but maybe one day, when there is evidence, we can find something out."
5% (4) Strong/Hard agnostic - The view that the question of the existence or nonexistence of a deity or deities, and the nature of ultimate reality is unknowable by reason of our natural inability to verify any experience with anything but another subjective experience. A strong agnostic would say, "I cannot know whether a deity exists or not, and neither can you."
0% (0) Pragmatic/Apathetic agnostic - The view that there is no proof of either the existence or nonexistence of any deity, but since any deity that may exist appears unconcerned for the universe or the welfare of its inhabitants, the question is largely academic
6% (5) Spiritual agnostic - The view that universal ethics and love can guide actions more effectively than questioning the existence of deities. A spiritual agnostic would say "It doesn't matter which religion you might follow, nor does it matter whether or not you believe in God. What matters is what you do, not what you believe."
6% (5) Agnostic atheist - atheistic because they do not have belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know that a deity does not exist
1% (1) Agnostic theist - The view of those who do not claim to know of the existence of any deity, but still believe in such an existence
0% (0) Ignostic - The view that a coherent definition of a deity must be put forward before the question of the existence of a deity can be meaningfully discussed. If the chosen definition is not coherent, the ignostic holds the noncognitivist view that the existence of a deity is meaningless or empirically untestable. A.J. Ayer, Theodore Drange, and other philosophers see both atheism and agnosticism as incompatible with ignosticism on the grounds that atheism and agnosticism accept "a deity exists" as a meaningful proposition which can be argued for or against.
2% (2) Secularist - pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred, not pertaining to or connected with religion, view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education
0% (0) Humanist - study, philosophy, world view, or practice that focuses on human values and concerns, attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters
20% (15) Secular humanist - embraces human reason, ethics, and social justice while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision-making, human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or God, it neither assumes humans to be inherently evil or innately good, nor presents humans as "above nature" or superior to it
17% (13) Freethinker - opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, facts, scientific inquiry, and should not be influenced by authority, confirmation bias, cognitive bias, conventional wisdom, popular culture, prejudice, sectarianism, tradition, urban legend, and all other dogmas, individuals should not accept ideas proposed as truth without recourse to knowledge and reason.
2% (2) Post-theist - God belongs to a stage of human development now past, God was a necessary metaphysical assumption demanded by circumstances, but ultimately cannot be admitted to exist

75 voters have answered this question.

Your views on the existance of God

51% (39) Never believed in Him, He never existed
43% (33) I believed in His existance, now I don't
5% (4) He existed, now He doesn't

76 voters have answered this question.

God in your view

50% (38) Unnecessary
0% (0) Necessary evil
17% (13) Evil
14% (11) Good and Bad
18% (14) No opinion

76 voters have answered this question.

Religion is

25% (19) Useless
39% (30) Good and Bad
6% (5) Bad
1% (1) Evil
27% (21) Evil and dangerous

76 voters have answered this question.

How important is religion for you?

84% (65) Not important
5% (4) A little important
6% (5) Important
3% (3) Very important

77 voters have answered this question.

Did God made the Universe?

47% (36) No
31% (24) Highly unlikely
2% (2) Unlikely
11% (9) Not sure/I don't know
3% (3) Possibly/Maybe
2% (2) Highly possible

76 voters have answered this question.

Did God made Man?

21% (16) No
59% (45) No, man made God
9% (7) Highly unlikely
5% (4) Not sure
5% (4) Maybe

76 voters have answered this question.

Do we need religion?

10% (8) Yes
81% (63) No
7% (6) No opinion

77 voters have answered this question.

Is religion usefull?

40% (31) No its useless
35% (27) Yes in a negative way
12% (10) Yes in a good way
11% (9) No opinion

77 voters have answered this question.

What was first?

34% (26) The egg
15% (12) The chicken
50% (38) I don't know

76 voters have answered this question.

Did Jesus Christ ever existed?

23% (18) Yes
49% (38) Maybe
9% (7) No
18% (14) Not sure/ I don't know

77 voters have answered this question.

Your opinion on atheists states,governments and people who persecute religious people.

0% (0) Good, they should kill all religious people
9% (7) Good, they should make the religious people give up their faith
76% (59) Bad, they shouldn't persecute religious people
14% (11) No opinion/Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

Who do you know is irreligious?

25% (19) Mother
32% (25) Father
50% (38) Siblings
23% (18) Both parents
18% (14) Grandparents
34% (26) Uncle
22% (17) Aunt
35% (27) Cousin
85% (65) Friends
35% (27) Other
7% (6) Nobody except me

76 voters have answered this question.

Who do you know that is religious?

30% (23) Parents
3% (3) Siblings
19% (15) Grandparents
2% (2) Cousin
1% (1) Aunt
3% (3) Uncle
26% (20) Friends
11% (9) Nobody

76 voters have answered this question.

Religion is dangerous?

70% (54) Yes, some of them
22% (17) Yes, all of them
3% (3) No
3% (3) Not sure/I don't know
0% (0) I don't know and don't care

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is part of a nation and its tradition?

54% (41) Yes
33% (25) No
12% (9) I don't know

75 voters have answered this question.

Should religion continue to exist?

16% (13) Yes
48% (37) No
35% (27) No opinion

77 voters have answered this question.

Is religion becoming extinct?

20% (16) Yes
15% (12) No
45% (35) No but it should be
6% (5) Not sure
11% (9) Maybe
0% (0) I don't care

77 voters have answered this question.

What is more dangerous?

6% (5) Anarchism
10% (8) Capitalism
0% (0) Colonialism
11% (9) Communism
35% (27) Fascism
9% (7) Imperialism
27% (21) Religion

77 voters have answered this question.

"The best religion is no religion"

66% (51) Fully agree
20% (16) Somewhat agree
5% (4) Neutral
5% (4) Somewhat disagree
2% (2) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is racist

15% (12) Fully agree
55% (43) Somewhat agree
9% (7) Neutral
7% (6) Don't know
6% (5) Somewhat disagree
5% (4) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is homophobic

48% (37) Fully agree
40% (31) Somewhat agree
7% (6) Neutral
1% (1) Don't know
1% (1) Somewhat disagree
1% (1) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is misogynistic

31% (24) Fully agree
48% (37) Somewhat agree
6% (5) Neutral
10% (8) Don't know
1% (1) Somewhat disagree
2% (2) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

What is your political ideology?

3% (3) Communist
6% (5) Socialist
0% (0) Fascist
0% (0) Nazi
1% (1) Nationalist
5% (4) Anarchist
6% (5) Libertarian
33% (26) Liberal
2% (2) Conservative
6% (5) Democrat
1% (1) Republican
6% (5) Social democrat
0% (0) Juche
1% (1) Feminist
1% (1) Environmentalist
0% (0) Centrist
0% (0) Whiggist
5% (4) Other
18% (14) None/Apolitical/No political interest or afiliation

77 voters have answered this question.

Should religion be thaught in schools?

15% (12) Yes
74% (57) No
10% (8) No opinion

77 voters have answered this question.

If no, then how would children know and be thaught about religion?

13% (9) They musn't know or be thaught about religion
33% (23) From their parents
2% (2) From religious schools
0% (0) From priests
2% (2) From the church
2% (2) I don't know
44% (30) I don't care

68 voters have answered this question.

Should atheistm the thaught in schools?

13% (10) Yes
36% (28) No
9% (7) No opion
40% (31) Better atheism than religion

76 voters have answered this question.

Which do you recognise as genocides ?

95% (70) Holocaust
56% (41) Holodomor
83% (61) Armenian genocide
86% (63) Bosnian genocide
89% (65) Rwanda genocide
43% (32) Great Chinese Famine
47% (35) North Korean Famine
34% (25) Irish Famine
30% (22) The great flood/Biblical Flood
75% (55) Inquisition

73 voters have answered this question.

Your relationship status

14% (11) In a relationship
11% (9) Married
1% (1) Divorced and available
0% (0) Divorced but in a relationship
0% (0) Divorced and not interested in a relationship
1% (1) Widow and available
0% (0) Widow but in a relationship
1% (1) Widow and not interested in a relationship
49% (38) Single and available
14% (11) Single and not interested in a relationship
6% (5) Complicated

77 voters have answered this question.

Irreligious people are more smart than religious people

28% (22) Fully agree
32% (25) Somewhat agree
23% (18) Neutral
5% (4) I don't know
5% (4) Somewhat disagree
5% (4) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Religious people are inferior to irreligious people

3% (3) Fully agree
23% (18) Somewhat agree
23% (18) Neutral
2% (2) I don't know
36% (28) Somewhat disagree
9% (7) Fully agree

76 voters have answered this question.

Irreligious people are more tolerant than religious people

26% (20) Fully agree
46% (35) Somewhat agree
21% (16) Neutral
5% (4) I don't know
1% (1) Somewhat agree
0% (0) Fully agree

76 voters have answered this question.

Religion and religious people did:

2% (2) Nothing but bad
68% (52) More bad than good
26% (20) Good and bad in equal messures
2% (2) More good than bad
0% (0) Nothing but good

76 voters have answered this question.

If your hate religion and religious people and are against their beliefs does that make you discriminative?

45% (34) Yes
28% (21) No
26% (20) I don't care

75 voters have answered this question.

Is it ok to mock religion, religious people and their beliefs?

49% (38) Yes
22% (17) No
6% (5) No opinion
22% (17) Yes but as long as they don't feel offended

77 voters have answered this question.

If you ever were religious, why did you gave up your faith and became irreligious?

16% (12) Because there are no proof and solide evidance
35% (26) Because religion is irrational and ilogic
9% (7) Because religious people say about good but don't do any good but the total opposite of what they are learned
2% (2) Because I was dissapointed that God(s) don't exist
4% (3) Because I feel better irreligious than religious
31% (23) I was never religious

73 voters have answered this question.

Are you proud that you are irreligious?

40% (31) Yes, very proud
24% (19) Yes
5% (4) No
29% (23) Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

An irreligious world is:

38% (30) A much more better world
36% (28) Somewhat better world that this one
3% (3) Somehow the same world as it is today
1% (1) The exact same world as it is today
14% (11) Not sure
5% (4) A worse world that it is today

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is resposable for all the wars in human history

6% (5) Fully agree
45% (35) Somewhat agree
6% (5) Neutral
1% (1) Don't know
25% (20) Somewhat disagree
14% (11) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is worse than communism/fascism/imperialism

14% (11) Fully agree
28% (22) Somewhat agree
22% (17) Neutral
2% (2) Don't know
15% (12) Somewhat disagree
16% (13) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

What happens when you die?

3% (3) You go to heaven or hell
57% (44) You just die and thats all
33% (26) I don't know
5% (4) I don't wanna know

77 voters have answered this question.

Are you affraid of death?

7% (6) Yes, very affraid
10% (8) Yes
39% (30) Yes but a little
42% (32) No

76 voters have answered this question.

Does the thaught that you're gonna die and that's all, your existance and memories of your life are over?

4% (3) Yes, very
9% (7) Yes
21% (16) No
65% (49) Yes but what can I do?

75 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a soul?

19% (15) Yes
11% (9) No
32% (25) I don't know
36% (28) I don't believe in the existance of such things

77 voters have answered this question.

What do you preffer to happen to you when you die?

16% (13) Go to heaven
25% (20) Reincarnate
3% (3) Become a ghost
0% (0) To become zombie
25% (20) I don't wanna die, I want to live as much as possible
27% (21) I don't care

77 voters have answered this question.

How does the idea of dying then going to heaven and meeting your deceased friends and relatives sounds like?

2% (2) Scary
41% (32) Ilogical and irrational
19% (15) Good, I wish heaven exists
36% (28) Good but heaven doesn't exist

77 voters have answered this question.

Some people don't murder, rape, steal and cheat because their religion doesn't allow them too, does that mean is good and has a morality value?

28% (22) Yes
42% (33) No
28% (22) Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

Is there a religious morality

28% (22) Yes
27% (21) No
36% (28) Maybe
7% (6) I don't know

77 voters have answered this question.

Will you ever be friends with religious people?

31% (24) Yes
25% (20) Maybe
2% (2) No
40% (31) I already am

77 voters have answered this question.

Will you marry a religious person?

16% (13) Yes
27% (21) No
31% (24) Maybe
2% (2) Neutral
5% (4) Yes only if he/she becomes irreligious
16% (13) No and I don't want to marry

77 voters have answered this question.

1 out of 7 people in the world are irreligious, while the rest are religious, does that mean anything to you?

38% (30) Yes, that the number or irreligious people is growing
33% (26) Yes, that 6 out of 7 people are irrational&ilogical
3% (3) Yes, that 6 out of 7 people are stupid
11% (9) No
11% (9) Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion is a mental illness

14% (11) Fully agree
20% (16) Somewhat agree
11% (9) Neutral
3% (3) Don't know
18% (14) Somewhat disagree
31% (24) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Your friend has become religious

70% (54) He/she is still my friend
2% (2) He/she is not my friend anymore
2% (2) I have no friends
24% (19) Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

Did the communist regimes had did a good thing in banning religion, desecratic religious temples and persecuting religious people?

11% (9) Yes
62% (48) No
25% (20) Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

Who is to blame for the priests who mollest children especially male children ?

10% (8) Religion
0% (0) God
1% (1) Homosexuality
1% (1) Religion and homosexuality
38% (29) Pedophilia
40% (31) Religion and pedophilia
7% (6) God, religion, homosexuality, pedophilia

76 voters have answered this question.

What is your level of education?

1% (1) School, a few classes
4% (3) School, all classes
29% (22) High School
36% (27) College
24% (18) Graduate
5% (4) Doctorate

75 voters have answered this question.

About the persecution of Tibetans in People's Republic of China

44% (33) Bad, they should stop persecuting them
41% (31) Bad, Tibet must be independent
1% (1) Bad, TIbetans must become irreligious
1% (1) Good, its the Tibetans fault because they're religious
12% (9) Neutral

75 voters have answered this question.

Your opinion about Dalai Lama?

3% (3) Who is that?
23% (18) No opinion
39% (30) Good man
31% (24) Good man, too bad he is religious
1% (1) Evil man

76 voters have answered this question.

Your opinion on Pope John Paul II

6% (5) Who is that?
33% (26) No opinion
10% (8) Good man
27% (21) Good man, too bad he is religious
15% (12) Bad man
5% (4) All Popes are evil
1% (1) All Popes are evil and gay

77 voters have answered this question.

Who did/does exist?

5% (3) God
77% (44) Muhammad
78% (45) Jesus Christ
77% (44) Buddha
5% (3) Adam&Eve
7% (4) Angels
7% (4) Devils
5% (3) Heaven
7% (4) Hell
12% (7) Biblical Flood
59% (34) Moses
31% (18) The Exodus

57 voters have answered this question.

Religious people are pacifists?

1% (1) Yes
19% (15) No
68% (52) Some
10% (8) I don't know

76 voters have answered this question.

Religious people don't need any evidance to believe in God even if there evidance that God doesn't exist they still believe in him

73% (56) They are irrational and ilogic
1% (1) They are stupid
13% (10) I don't care
11% (9) I admire their spiritual strenght

76 voters have answered this question.

What happens if there are scientific and historical evidance and hard proof that God exists?

25% (20) Good, I'll still remain irreligious but now religious people have a reason to believe in God
31% (24) I'll become religious
20% (16) Neutral
9% (7) Nothing, I reject the evidance and still not believe in Him
12% (10) I don't know

77 voters have answered this question.

How much is written in the Holy Bible is real?

1% (1) 90 - 100% real
0% (0) 75 - 90 % real
1% (1) 50 - 75% real
2% (2) 50% real - 50% false
1% (1) 40 - 50% real
1% (1) 25 - 40% real
18% (14) 10 - 25% real
31% (24) 5 - 10% real
12% (10) 1 - 5 % real
5% (4) 0% real
24% (19) I don't know

77 voters have answered this question.

Do you fear God?

3% (3) Yes
28% (22) No
67% (51) There is nothing to fear because there is no God

76 voters have answered this question.

Do you want God to exist?

10% (8) Yes
48% (37) No
36% (28) Neutral
5% (4) What if He already exists?

77 voters have answered this question.

What is your annual household income?

13% (10) Over 100,000$
8% (6) 75,000 - 100,000$
8% (6) 50,000 - 75,000$
2% (2) 50,000 - 60,000$
10% (8) 40,000 - 50,000$
4% (3) 35,000 - 50,000$
6% (5) 25,000 - 35,000$
6% (5) 15,000 - 25,000$
2% (2) 10,000 - 15,000$
2% (2) 5000 - 10,000$
6% (5) Under 5000$
28% (21) I don't know

75 voters have answered this question.

God is to be blamed for all the evil in the world

5% (4) Fully agree
27% (21) Somewhat agree
27% (21) Neutral
11% (9) Somewhat disagree
28% (22) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

God is dead

7% (6) Fully agree
18% (14) Somewhat agree
35% (27) Neutral
22% (17) I don't know
2% (2) Somewhat disagree
14% (11) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Ever got sexually aroused by nuns, priests, monks?

14% (11) Yes
85% (66) No

77 voters have answered this question.

Religion stops progress

40% (31) Fully agree
45% (35) Somewhat agree
5% (4) Neutral
6% (5) Somewhat disagree
2% (2) Fully disagree

77 voters have answered this question.

Your reaction about a irreligious guy who raped a girl for being religious!

92% (70) Bad, he gives irreligious people a bad name
0% (0) Good, she deserves it
7% (6) Neutral

76 voters have answered this question.

What religion do you dislike the most?

12% (10) Christianity
5% (4) Islam
1% (1) Judaism
0% (0) Buddhism
7% (6) Scientology
0% (0) Occultism
1% (1) Satanism
3% (3) Religious sects and/or cults
54% (42) Religious extremism
12% (10) All religions/Religion itself

77 voters have answered this question.

Should all religious people be blamed for the mistakes and crimes of a few religious people?

3% (3) Yes
84% (65) No
11% (9) Neutral

77 voters have answered this question.

Your opinion about actors and movie directors who have a religion?

18% (14) No opinion
0% (0) I reject all religious people
58% (45) I'm interest in movies not their religious beliefs
23% (18) No problem but it kinda disappointed that I found out that they're religious

77 voters have answered this question.

You are gonna get killed if you don't convert to a religion

26% (20) Never, kill me
69% (53) I'll convert but I'll still remain irreligious in secret
3% (3) I'll convert and give this religion a try
0% (0) I'll convert for real

76 voters have answered this question.

Will you have children?

47% (36) Yes
43% (33) No
9% (7) I already have

76 voters have answered this question.

What if one of yoru children becomes religious?

58% (43) He/she can do what ever he wants
4% (3) He/she can do anything at his/hers house but not in mine
5% (4) I'll convince him/her to give up religion
10% (8) Kids are stupid, they do stupid things
0% (0) I rather have no kids than religious kids
21% (16) I don't want to have kids

74 voters have answered this question.

Can atheism be named a godless religion?

19% (15) Yes
60% (46) No
13% (10) No opinion
6% (5) I don't know

76 voters have answered this question.

In which of the following parody dieties do you believe?

52% (25) Flying Spaghetti Monster
27% (13) Invisible Pink Unicorn
12% (6) Russell's teapot
8% (4) J. R. "Bob" Dobbs

48 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe those dieties exist for real?

53% (39) No
39% (29) They are as "real" as all dieties
1% (1) I'm not sure
4% (3) Maybe
0% (0) Yes
1% (1) No opinion

73 voters have answered this question.

What if those dieties become real and give birth to real religions?

21% (16) Its impossible
23% (17) I would reject their existance
28% (21) I'll continue with my own faith (atheist, ignostic, agnostic, secularist)
26% (19) I would be disappointed because atheists just gave birth to new religions and dieties

73 voters have answered this question.

Where did man came from?

89% (68) Evolved from apes
5% (4) I don't know
1% (1) Made by God
3% (3) Made by aliens

76 voters have answered this question.

Are you a sadist?

2% (2) Yes
24% (18) A little
73% (55) No

75 voters have answered this question.

Should people be forced to renounce their religion and become irreligious?

2% (2) Yes
97% (72) No

74 voters have answered this question.

Religion is responsable for starting the majority of wars

22% (17) Fully agree
50% (38) Somewhat agree
9% (7) Neutral
2% (2) I don't know
13% (10) Somewhat disagree
2% (2) Fully disagree

76 voters have answered this question.

Should religious people be allowed in politics?

42% (32) Yes
30% (23) No
27% (21) Neutral

76 voters have answered this question.

Irreligious people are more free

50% (38) Fully agree
28% (22) Somewhat agree
15% (12) Neutral
2% (2) Somwhat disagree
2% (2) Fully disagree

76 voters have answered this question.

Irreligious people are more sexually depraved that religious people

0% (0) Fully agree
3% (3) Somewhat agree
19% (15) Neutral
15% (12) Somewhat disagree
60% (46) Fully disagree

76 voters have answered this question.

Whould you have sex with a religious person?

48% (37) Yes
44% (34) Maybe
6% (5) No

76 voters have answered this question.

Do you use foul language?

11% (9) Yes
50% (38) F**k yeah
25% (19) Sometimes
10% (8) Rarely
2% (2) No

76 voters have answered this question.

At what age did you gave up your religion and became irreligious?

33% (25) Always was irreligious
6% (5) Under 10
8% (6) 11
12% (9) 12
6% (5) 13
4% (3) 14
4% (3) 15
2% (2) 16
2% (2) 17
4% (3) 18
1% (1) 19
4% (3) 20
1% (1) 21
1% (1) 22
0% (0) 23 - 25
1% (1) 25 - 30
1% (1) 30 - 35
0% (0) 35 - 40
1% (1) 45 - 50
4% (3) Over 50

75 voters have answered this question.

How was this poll?

19% (15) Excelent!
16% (13) Very good
12% (10) Good
22% (17) Pretty good
22% (17) So-so
6% (5) Bad

77 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-06-19 08:43:59 by pollinc
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