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Anarchist Poll

A poll about anarchy, anarchism, libertarianism and what type of anarchist are you.
Male-to-female transexual
Female-to-mmale transexual
Under 10
11 - 12
13 - 14
15 - 16
19 - 21
22 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 60
Over 60
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
North America
Central America
South America
Middle East
Far East (South-East Asia)
Asia except Far and Middle East
Sexual Orientation?
Heterosexual - attracted towards the opposite sex
Homosexual - attracted towards the same sex
Bisexual - attracted towards both sexes
Bi-curious - Heterosexual with somewhat curiousity for the same sex
Asexual - no attraction
What is your Religion?
Christian Orthodox
Other Christian
Shia Muslim
Sunni Muslim
Other Muslim
Other New Age Religion
Tribal native religion
Folk religion
Unitarian Universalist
Cao Dai
Weak atheist - the absence of theistic belief without a conscious rejection of it, do not believe in deities, but do not assert it is true that deities do not exist
Strong atheist - belief in god is irrational and should therefore be rejected, it is false that any deities exist
Apathetic atheist - acting with apathy, disregard, or lack of interest towards belief or disbelief in a deity
Soft agnostic - The view that the existence or nonexistence of any deities is currently unknown but is not necessarily unknowable; therefore, one will withhold judgment until/if any evidence is available. A weak agnostic would say, "I don't know whether any deities exist or not, but maybe one day, when there is evidence, we can find something out."
Hard agnostic - The view that the question of the existence or nonexistence of a deity or deities, and the nature of ultimate reality is unknowable by reason of our natural inability to verify any experience with anything but another subjective experience. A strong agnostic would say, "I cannot know whether a deity exists or not, and neither can you."
Apathetic agnostic - The view that there is no proof of either the existence or nonexistence of any deity, but since any deity that may exist appears unconcerned for the universe or the welfare of its inhabitants, the question is largely academic
Spiritual agnostic - The view that universal ethics and love can guide actions more effectively than questioning the existence of deities. A spiritual agnostic would say "It doesn't matter which religion you might follow, nor does it matter whether or not you believe in God. What matters is what you do, not what you believe."
Agnostic atheist - atheistic because they do not have belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know that a deity does not exist
Agnostic theist - The view of those who do not claim to know of the existence of any deity, but still believe in such an existence
Secularist - pertaining to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred, not pertaining to or connected with religion, view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education
Humanist - study, philosophy, world view, or practice that focuses on human values and concerns, attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters
Secular humanist - embraces human reason, ethics, and social justice while specifically rejecting religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision-making, human beings are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or God, it neither assumes humans to be inherently evil or innately good, nor presents humans as "above nature" or superior to it
Post-theist - God belongs to a stage of human development now past, God was a necessary metaphysical assumption demanded by circumstances, but ultimately cannot be admitted to exist
Freethinker - opinions should be formed on the basis of science, logic, and reason, facts, scientific inquiry, and should not be influenced by authority, confirmation bias, cognitive bias, conventional wisdom, popular culture, prejudice, sectarianism, tradition, urban legend, and all other dogmas, individuals should not accept ideas proposed as truth without recourse to knowledge and reason.
Ignostic - The view that a coherent definition of a deity must be put forward before the question of the existence of a deity can be meaningfully discussed. If the chosen definition is not coherent, the ignostic holds the noncognitivist view that the existence of a deity is meaningless or empirically untestable. A.J. Ayer, Theodore Drange, and other philosophers see both atheism and agnosticism as incompatible with ignosticism on the grounds that atheism and agnosticism accept "a deity exists" as a meaningful proposition which can be argued for or against.
What is your anarchist/libertarian ideology?
Agorism - the libertarian political philosophy that advocates the goal of the bringing about of a society in which all relations between people are voluntary exchanges by means of counter-economics. Agorists generally oppose voting for political candidates and political reform. Instead, agorists stress the importance of alternative strategies rather than politics to achieve a free society. Agorists claim that we can achieve a free society more easily and sooner by employing such alternative methods.Such alternative strategies consist of education, direct action, entrepreneurship, and counter-economics.Agorists are generally supporters of Austrian economics(a methodological individualist approach to economics called praxeology, the theory that money is non-neutral, the theory that interest rates and profits are determined by the interaction of diminishing marginal utility with diminishing marginal productivity of time and time preferences, the theory that the capital structure of economies consists of heterogeneous goods that have multispecific uses which must be aligned)
Anarcho-capitalism/Libertarian anarchy/Market anarchism/Free market anarchism,/Private-property anarchism - political philosophy that advocates the elimination of the state in favour of individual sovereignty in a free market. In an anarcho-capitalist society, law enforcement, courts, and all other security services would be provided by privately funded competitors rather than through taxation, and money would be privately and competitively provided in an open market. According to anarcho-capitalists, personal and economic activities would be regulated by privately run law rather than through politics.No government should have the right to prevent another government from going into competition with it, or to require consumers of security to come exclusively to it for this commodity.""The monopoly of government is no better than any other. One does not govern well and, especially not cheaply, when one has no competition to fear, when the ruled are deprived of the right of freely choosing their rulers...The production of security inevitably becomes costly and bad when it is organized as a monopoly."
Anarcho-collectivism - a revolutionary doctrine that advocates the abolition of both the state and private ownership of the means of production. It instead envisions the means of production being owned collectively and controlled and managed by the producers themselves. Once collectivization takes place, money would be abolished to be replaced with labour notes and workers' salaries would be determined in democratic organizations based on job difficulty and the amount of time they contributed to production. These salaries would be used to purchase goods in a communal market
Anarcho-communism/Libertarian communism/Free communism - a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, markets, money, capitalism and private property (while retaining respect for personal property), and in favor of common ownership of the means of production,direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations and workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need"
Anarcho-feminism - combines anarchism with feminism. It is a form of anarchism that synthesizes radical feminism and anarchism that views patriarchy (male domination over women) as a fundamental manifestation of involuntary hierarchy which anarchists often oppose.Anarcha-feminists believe that the struggle against patriarchy is an essential part of class struggle, and the anarchist struggle against the state. In essence, the philosophy sees anarchist struggle as a necessary component of feminist struggle and vice-versa. L. Susan Brown claims that "as anarchism is a political philosophy that opposes all relationships of power, it is inherently feminist".
Anarcho-individualism/Individualist anarchism - refers to several traditions of thought within the anarchist movement that emphasize the individual and his or her will over external determinants such as groups, society, traditions, and ideological systems. Individualist anarchism is not a single philosophy but refers to a group of individualistic philosophies that sometimes are in conflict. Benjamin R. Tucker, a famous 19th century individualist anarchist, held that "if the individual has the right to govern himself, all external government is tyranny."
Anarcho-Nationalism/National-Anarchism - a prelude to an anticipated racial civil war and a collapse of the capitalist system, National-Anarchists seek to establish autonomous villages for radical ethnocentric communities, which have seceded from the state's economy and are no-go areas for unwelcomed ethnic groups and state authorities.
Anarcho-naturism/Anarchist naturism/Naturist anarchism - advocated vegetarianism, free love, nudism, hiking and an ecological world view within anarchist groups and outside them. Anarcho-naturism promoted an ecological worldview, small ecovillages, and most prominently nudism as a way to avoid the artificiality of the industrial mass society of modernity. Naturist individualist anarchists saw the individual in their biological, physical and psychological aspects and tried to eliminate social determinations
Anarcho-pacifism/Pacifist anarchism/Anarchist pacifism - Anarcho-pacifism tend to see the state as 'organised violence' and so they see that "it would therefore seem logical that anarchists should reject all violence". Anarcho-pacifism criticizes the separation between means and ends. "Means,...must not merely be consistent with ends; this principle, though preferable to 'the end justifies the means', is based on a misleading dichotomy. Means are ends, never merely instrumental but also always expressive of values; means are end-creating or ends-in-the making". The attraction of pacifism to anarchists is clear. Violence is authoritarian and coercive, and so its use does contradict anarchist principles." "(Errico) Malatesta is even more explicit when he wrote that the "main plank of anarchism is the removal of violence from human relations".
Anarcho-primitivism/Primitive anachism - an anarchist critique of the origins and progress of civilization. According to anarcho-primitivism, the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural subsistence gave rise to social stratification, coercion, and alienation. Anarcho-primitivists advocate a return to non-"civilized" ways of life through deindustrialisation, abolition of the division of labour or specialization, and abandonment of large-scale organization technologies.
Anarcho-queer/Queer Anarchism - an Anarchist school of thought which advocates Anarchism and Social revolution as a means of Gay Liberation and abolition of homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, heterosexism, patriarchy, and the gender binary.
Anarcho-socialism/Social anarchism/Socialist anarchism/Anarchist socialism - a system with public ownership of means of production and democratic control of all organizations, without any government authority or coercion. It is the largest school of thought in anarchism.Anarcho-socialism rejects private property, seeing it as a source of social inequality, and emphasises cooperation and mutual aid
Anarcho-syndicalism - a branch of anarchism which endorses syndicalism. Syndicalism is an alternative co-operative economic system. Adherents view it as a potential force for revolutionary social change, replacing capitalism and the state with a new society, democratically self-managed by workers. Anarcho-syndicalists seek to abolish the wage system, regarding it as wage slavery, and state or private ownership of the means of production, which they believe lead to class divisions. Anarcho-syndicalist theory generally focuses on the labour movement.
Autarchism - a political philosophy that upholds the principle of individual liberty, rejects compulsory government, and supports the elimination of government in favor of ruling oneself and no other. Advocates of the philosophy are autarchist (from Greek, "one who believes in self rule"), while the state in which everyone rules themselves and no one else is called autarchy (from Greek autarchia, "state of self rule")
Buddhist anarchism - both the state and capitalism generate oppression and, therefore, suffering. The former, the state, is an institution that frames the desire for power, and the latter, capitalism, the desire for material wealth. Trying to control other human beings, in the view of Buddhist anarchists, will only cause them to suffer, and ultimately causes suffering for those who try to control. Trying to hold on to and accumulate material wealth, likewise, increases suffering for the capitalist and those they do business with.
Christian anarchism - the foundation of Christian anarchism is a rejection of violence,denouncing the state as violent, deceitful and, when glorified, a form of idolatry
Christian libertarianism - the synthesis of Christian beliefs concerning human nature and dignity with libertarian political philosophy. It is also a political philosophy in itself that has its roots in libertarianism and it is a political ideology to the extent that Christian libertarians promote their cause to others and join together as a movement.In general, Christian libertarians believe that Christians should not use government as a tool to control others' moral behavior or to initiate the use of force against others. They further believe these principles are supported by Christ's teaching and by the Bible.
Eco-anarchism/Green anarchism - a school of thought within anarchism which puts a particular emphasis on environmental issues.Some contemporary green anarchists can be described as anarcho-primitivists (or anti-civilization anarchists), though not all green anarchists are primitivists. Likewise, there is a strong critique of modern technology among green anarchists, though not all reject it entirely.
Egoist anarchism - the individual is the revolutionary subject who has to have a personal insurrection before coming to daggers with the existent, meaning the individual is central to the view of the world and how it is to be changed, in order to create a society where the only force preventing a person from fulfilling their desire is their self. A free society can only be composed of free individuals, who alligned themselves with others in the process, and have shaken off the 'spooks' of civil society. Spooks are ideas that are seen to be above the individual, for example morality and property.Egoist anarchism is a school of anarchist thought that originated in the philosophy of Max Stirner, a nineteenth century Hegelian philosopher whose "name appears with familiar regularity in historically orientated surveys of anarchist thought as one of the earliest and best-known exponents of individualist anarchism."Stirner's philosophy is usually called "egoism". He says that the egoist rejects pursuit of devotion to "a great idea, a good cause, a doctrine, a system, a lofty calling," saying that the egoist has no political calling but rather "lives themselves out" without regard to "how well or ill humanity may fare thereby."
Existentialist anarchism - existentialism forms a philosophical ground for anarchism. Anarchist historian Peter Marshall claims that "there is a close link between the existentialists' stress on the individual, free choice, and moral responsibility and the main tenets of anarchism." Existentialism is generally considered to be the philosophical and cultural movement which holds that the starting point of philosophical thinking must be the individual and the experiences of the individual, that moral thinking and scientific thinking together do not suffice to understand human existence, and, therefore, that a further set of categories, governed by the norm of authenticity, is necessary to understand human existence.
Geolibertarianism - a political movement that attempts to reconcile libertarianism and Georgism.Geolibertarians are advocates of geoism, which is the position that all natural resources – most importantly land – are common assets to which all individuals have an equal right to access; therefore, individuals must pay rent to the community if they claim land as their private property. Rent need not be paid for the mere use of land, but only for the right to exclude others from that land, and for the protection of one's title by government. They simultaneously agree with the libertarian position that each individual has an exclusive right to the fruits of his or her labor as their private property, as opposed to this product being owned collectively by society or the community, and that "one's labor, wages, and the products of labor" should not be taxed. Also, with traditional libertarians they advocate "full civil liberties, with no crimes unless there are victims who have been invaded."
Insurrectionary anarchism - a revolutionary theory, practice, and tendency within the anarchist movement which emphasizes insurrection within anarchist practice. It is critical of formal organizations such as labor unions and federations that are based on a political programme and periodic congresses. Instead, insurrectionary anarchists advocate informal organization and small affinity group based organization. Insurrectionary anarchists put value in attack, permanent class conflict, and a refusal to negotiate or compromise with class enemies. Contemporary insurrectionary anarchism inherits the views and tactics of anti-organizational anarcho-communism and illegalism.
Left anarchism/Left-wing anarchism - philosophies which posit a future society in which private property is replaced by reciprocity and non-hierarchical society
Left-libertarianism - several related but distinct approaches to politics, society, culture, and political and social theory, which stress equally both individual freedom and social justice, anti-authoritarian, anti-propertarian varieties of left-wing politics
Libertarian consequentialism/Consequentialist libertarianism - the position that is supportive of a free market and strong private property rights only on the grounds that they bring about favorable consequences, such as prosperity or efficiency.consequentialist libertarians do not necessarily see all cases of initiation of force as immoral and never see it as inherently immoral, i.e. they do not express a belief in natural or moral rights. Rather, their position is that political and economic liberty lead to the best consequences in the form of happiness and prosperity, and for that reason alone it should be supported.
Libertarian Marxism - a broad scope of economic and political philosophies that emphasize the anti-authoritarian aspects of Marxism, emphasizing the Marxist belief in the ability of the working class to forge its own destiny without the need for a revolutionary party or state to mediate or aid its liberation. Libertarian Marxism is also critical of reformist positions, such as those held by social democrats.
Libertarian moralism/Natural-rights libertarianism/Deontological liberalism/Rights-theorist libertarianism - Deontological libertarianism is based on the non-aggression principle, which states that no human being holds the right to initiate force or fraud against the person or property of another human being, under any circumstances. Deontological libertarians consider this principle to be the basis of all morality, and therefore they believe that any violation of the principle is immoral, no matter what other arguments may be invoked to justify that violation.All acts of initiation of force and fraud should be opposed because they are always immoral regardless of the effects of engaging in them, because doing so would violate natural rights.
Libertarian socialism - a group of political philosophies that promote a non-hierarchical, non-bureaucratic stateless society without private property in the means of production. Libertarian socialists believe in converting present-day private property into the commons or public goods, while retaining respect for personal property. Libertarian socialism is opposed to coercive forms of social organization. It promotes free association in place of government and opposes the social relations of capitalism, such as wage labor. The term libertarian socialism is used by some socialists to differentiate their philosophy from state socialism or by some as a synonym for left anarchism
Minarchism - a libertarian capitalist political philosophy. It is variously defined by sources. In the strictest sense, it maintains that the state is necessary and that its only legitimate function is the protection of individuals from aggression, theft, breach of contract, and fraud, and the only legitimate governmental institutions are the military, police, and courts. In the broadest sense, it also includes fire departments, prisons, the executive, and legislatures as legitimate government functions. Minarchists argue that the state has no authority to use its monopoly on force to interfere with free transactions between people, and see the state's sole responsibility as ensuring that contracts between private individuals and property are protected, through a system of law courts and enforcement.
Mutualism - an economic theory and anarchist school of thought that envisions a society where each person might possess a means of production, either individually or collectively, with trade representing equivalent amounts of labor in the free market
Paleolibertarianism - based on an libertarian opposition to "all forms of government intervention – economic, cultural, social, international" combined with cultural conservatism in social thought and behavior. It opposes a licentious libertarianism which advocates "freedom from bourgeois morality, and social authority."
Panarchism - a political philosophy emphasizing each individual's right to freely join and leave the jurisdiction of any governments they choose, without being forced to move from their current locale.
Philosophical anarchism - an anarchist school of thought which contends that the state lacks moral legitimacy while not supporting violence to eliminate it. Though philosophical anarchism does not necessarily imply any action or desire for the elimination of the State, philosophical anarchists do not believe that they have an obligation or duty to obey the State, or conversely, that the State has a right to command.
Platformism - can easily be distinguished from “individualist” and “lifestylist” anarchism, as well as from that of the “primitivists,” who envision humanity somehow returning to a pre-industrial existence. Platformists are also clearly demarcated from “synthesists,” who believe in a sort of family of anarchism, and from anarcho-syndicalists with their focus on workplace activity. Platformists are “political” anarchists, but not electoralists. They recognize the necessity of ideological struggle in order to win working and oppressed people to a revolutionary worldview.
Post-anarchism/Postanarchism - an anarchist philosophy that employs post-structuralist and postmodernist approaches. The term post-structuralist anarchism is used as well, so as not to suggest having moved beyond anarchism. It is not a single coherent theory, but rather refers to the combined works of any number of post-structuralists. Concepts within post-anarchism include the misalignment of the subject in relation to discourse, the denaturalization of the body and sexuality, the rejection of the repressive hypothesis, Foucault's genealogy, the deconstruction of the binary oppositions of Western thought, the deconstruction of gender roles through feminist post-structuralism
Right-libertarianism - names several related libertarian political philosophies which support private ownership of land and other natural resources, as opposed to ownership by society as a whole or owing payment to society for private appropriation.The term is typically used to differentiate privatist based forms of libertarianism from left-libertarianism; which generally supports forms of economic democracy and egalitarianism. Right libertarians accept equality under the law and equal rights but reject equality of outcome, believing that inequality of outcome is inevitable.
Synthesis anarchism/Synthesist anarchism - a form of anarchist organization which tries to join anarchists of different tendencies under the principles of anarchism without adjectives(an unhyphenated form of anarchism, that is, a doctrine without any qualifying labels such as communist, collectivist, mutualist, or individualist.).
Veganarchism/Vegan anarchism - political philosophy of veganism (more specifically animal liberation and earth liberation) and anarchism,creating a combined praxis that is designed to be a means for social revolution.This encompasses viewing the state as unnecessary and harmful to animals, both human and non-human, whilst practising a vegan lifestyle. It is either perceived as a combined theory, or that both philosophies are essentially the same. It is further described as an anti-speciesist perspective on green anarchism, or an anarchist perspective on animal liberation. Veganarchists typically view oppressive dynamics within society to be interconnected, from statism, racism and sexism to human supremacy and redefine veganism as a radical philosophy that sees the state as harmful to animals.
Voluntaryism/Voluntarism - philosophy which holds that all forms of human association should be voluntary. Since voluntaryists hold that the means must be consistent with the end, the goal of a purely voluntary society must be sought voluntarily. Voluntaryists assert that people cannot be coerced into freedom or voluntarily give it up.Voluntaryists often advocate the use of the education, persuasion, and non-violent resistance as the primary ways to change people's ideas about the state and their behavior toward it
Not anarchist or libertarian
This poll was created on 2012-06-30 21:37:29 by pollinc