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Rate the Most Effictive Speech for the 2012 Artistic Revolution!

General Patton's War Speech Tomoe Gozen's Healing Humanity Speech Barak Obama's "I am taking control of all communications system in America Speech": Chase the rabbit http://rt.com/usa/news/obama-president-order-communications-770/ Braveheart's speech - He's just badass... vote for him lol
So who's speech resounds with your soul the most? Also, I made it so you can choose more than one candidate.
General Tomoe Gozen's Please Accept me as your General in the Great Battle Over the Human Consciousness Speech? Please vote for her healthcare plan to Healing Humanity with love energy, it will cost you nothing! :D Smiles (P.S. sorry if General Tomoe's description is a lot longer than the other candidates. It wouldn't be like that, but I am a bit bias of myself and I'm writing my own poll. Duh)
Barak Obama's "I am taking control of all communications system in America Speech": Chase the rabbit http://rt.com/usa/news/obama-president-order-communications-770/
General Patton's "No one ever one a war by dying for their country, they won a war by making OTHER poor dumb, bastard, die for his country" Speech
This poll was created on 2012-07-10 20:17:02 by TomoeGozen