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Ethics and Morals

I know a lot of people might lie on these questions if they were asked them in real life, but this is an anonymous poll so please try to answer honestly.

I would rather have a job that...

37% (23) is very beneficial to society but doesn't pay much
62% (38) pays a lot but isn't very beneficial to society

61 voters have answered this question.

I would rather work in a profession that...

57% (35) benefits society a lot but isn't really respected
42% (26) is highly respected but doesn't benefit society a lot

61 voters have answered this question.

I am...

57% (35) a nice person on the outside
78% (48) a nice person on the inside
8% (5) not a nice person

61 voters have answered this question.

How often do you lie?

14% (9) A lot
45% (28) About the same as everyone else
39% (24) Less than most people

61 voters have answered this question.

If you accidentally ran over a squirrel, how bad would you feel?

19% (12) Terrible and I would cry too
57% (35) Very bad but I wouldn't cry
22% (14) Not bad at all

61 voters have answered this question.

Let's say you were driving recklessly accidentally run over a pedestrian and they were badly injured but not dead. There's no one else around. You're 100% sure if you drive off, you won't get caught, but the guy needs medical help or he'll die. What do you do?

16% (10) Just drive off and let him die so you don't get charged with reckless driving that resulted in a death
83% (51) Stop to save his life and face the possibility of losing your license or ending up in jail for reckless driving

61 voters have answered this question.

How would you describe yourself?

37% (23) Very emotional
42% (26) About average
19% (12) Emotionless

61 voters have answered this question.

How often do you get in trouble?

1% (1) A lot, for doing the same thing
13% (8) I do a lot of different bad stuff a lot but I don't really get caught
60% (37) I don't do bad stuff
8% (5) A lot, for doing different things
16% (10) I do the same bad thing over and over again, but I don't get caught for it

61 voters have answered this question.

Which would you rather have?

75% (46) A deep relationship with just one person
24% (15) A lot of shallow relationships at different times

61 voters have answered this question.

How much have you planned your life goals?

34% (21) I don't plan, I just live in the moment
26% (16) I have the next year planned
26% (16) I have the next few years planned
6% (4) I have the next decade or two planned
6% (4) I have my whole life planned, and my kid's lives too

61 voters have answered this question.

What is your educational level? If you're still in school, use your parents'.

4% (3) High school dropout or less
42% (26) High school graduate
18% (11) Some college
13% (8) Associate degree
36% (22) Bachelor's degree
14% (9) Master's degree
11% (7) Doctorate/Professional degree

61 voters have answered this question.

What is your household income?

11% (7) $12K or under
24% (15) $12K-$37K
14% (9) $37K-$60K
11% (7) $60K-$70K
22% (14) $70K-$160K
13% (8) $160K-350K
1% (1) $350K+

61 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-07-13 02:01:04 by Loney
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