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Judaism without circumcision

Many religious individuals, including Jews have no problem with the statement "I believe in the right of gays to marry, just no each other". Many opponents of circumcision have stated "I believe in the right of Jews to believe that circumcision is required, but not the right to actually perform it."

A recent court judgement in Germany against circumcision of under-aged boys has drawn significant attention to the ethical issues surrounding the practice. Many people have said a ban on circumcision would mark the end of Judaism, no negotiation. However there are some problems with this assertion:

  • Gen 17:11 states "Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant." However no mention is made here of woman (except among Somalian Jews that practice female circumcision and interpret "he" as "he or she"). Since Judaism follows the female line, not the male, Judaism should continue even if all men are cut off from it.

Thank-you for your participation.

What is your sex?
What is your religion?
Roman Catholic
Other Christian
Before taking this poll, were you of the opinion that a ban on circumcision would mark the end of Judaism?
Before taking this poll, were you aware that the Somalian Jewish community which dates back to the time before the destruction of the temple interprets Gen:17 as meaning "he or she" and considers female circumcision to be required?
Were you aware that female circumcision is legal in Israel because of this?
Before taking this poll, were you aware that religious circumcision of boys was banned in the Soviet Union but despite this, it enjoyed a large and vibrant Jewish community?
No, I did not know this
Yes, and the Jewish community respected the ban
Yes, but only because the Jewish community defied the ban
Do you agree that according to the rules of Judaism (except Somalian denominations), Judaism would continue through the female line even if no males were cut?
Yes, I was aware of this
No, I was not aware of this, but it makes sense
No, I was not aware of this, but saying it is just gay
What is your opinion about the survival of Judaism only through the female line?
According to the rules of Judaism, it follows the female line. Therefore, according to Somalian Judaism, the current ban on female circumcision is annihilating their denominations in the West. What are your thoughts on this?
This poll was created on 2012-07-29 07:29:52 by fdostoevski