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what side is better in skyrim

based on the game of the century skyrim this poll asks which side the players join in the game
what gender are you? (dont answer if u dint want to)
dont wanna say
which faction of the war did you join?
nuetral (not involved)
have you joined one side then switched after doing somthing?
yes i got the jaggered crown then switched sides
yes but forgot what i did
no i havent yet
cant betray stromcloaks imperials know me and attack me on sight
never gonna be a turncoat (traitor)
who do u prefer to back up?
general tullius (empire)
ulfric stormcloak (his lastname is his faction)
my house carl
what battles have u fought in?
was this poll any good?
yes loved it
it was good
it was ok
it was bad
i h8ed it
This poll was created on 2012-07-30 11:19:41 by kakorot