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how tall do you prefer girls and physicalety,hair,eyes,etc

a may seem weird but i have to keep all the opsions open were all different

how tall?

0% (0) migit
4% (2) extremely short
0% (0) very short
2% (1) short
10% (5) a little short
17% (8) medium
2% (1) a little tall
6% (3) tall
13% (6) very tall
8% (4) extremely tall
26% (12) giant
8% (4) my height

46 voters have answered this question.


2% (1) skin and bones
2% (1) extremely small
0% (0) very small
10% (5) small
6% (3) a little small
21% (10) normal
0% (0) a little big
4% (2) big
2% (1) fat
30% (14) a little muscular
19% (9) muscular
0% (0) about the same as me

46 voters have answered this question.


32% (15) black
21% (10) brown
17% (8) red
26% (12) blonde
2% (1) other

46 voters have answered this question.


19% (9) black
17% (8) brown
30% (14) blue
28% (13) green
4% (2) mix
0% (0) other

46 voters have answered this question.

brest size?

10% (5) tiny
8% (4) small
28% (13) normal
34% (16) large
17% (8) huge

46 voters have answered this question.

hair length?

13% (6) short
30% (14) normal
56% (26) long

46 voters have answered this question.


28% (13) none
43% (20) a little
26% (12) some
0% (0) a lot
2% (1) a ton

46 voters have answered this question.


19% (9) small
76% (35) normal
4% (2) large

46 voters have answered this question.


39% (18) none
39% (18) a little
4% (2) a lot
17% (8) doest matter as long as shes a good kisser

46 voters have answered this question.

mental ability?

2% (1) ...dum
4% (2) not the smartest
19% (9) average
45% (21) smart
17% (8) genius
10% (5) as smart as me

46 voters have answered this question.


23% (11) insane
76% (35) sane

46 voters have answered this question.


78% (36) white
6% (3) black
15% (7) asian
0% (0) other

46 voters have answered this question.


60% (28) freindly
32% (15) pure
32% (15) brave
50% (23) nice
34% (16) romantic
50% (23) funny
21% (10) werid
2% (1) picky
2% (1) scardy cat
36% (17) horny
52% (24) playful
19% (9) serious
56% (26) honest
10% (5) mean
52% (24) forgiving
6% (3) shallow
26% (12) soical
6% (3) loner
41% (19) energetic
6% (3) lazy
28% (13) calm
10% (5) hot head
8% (4) bosey
23% (11) shy

46 voters have answered this question.


47% (22) none
28% (13) christian
4% (2) catholic
17% (8) belives in god
2% (1) other

46 voters have answered this question.


2% (1) broke
2% (1) very poor
4% (2) poor
52% (24) average
26% (12) rich
2% (1) very rich
10% (5) top 300 richst pepole in the world

46 voters have answered this question.


13% (6) a lot yonger then me
36% (17) yonger then me
43% (20) my age
6% (3) older then me
0% (0) a lot older then me

46 voters have answered this question.

she likes?

41% (19) the same things as you
50% (23) some things in comen
8% (4) nothing in comen

46 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-08-01 23:09:23 by sonic566
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