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Naked in a Play

One of the respondents to my last poll said that he had to be naked for a school play. I'm curious to see how many other people have been naked in a play.
What is your gender?
How old are you?
Have you ever appeared in a play naked?
How old were you at the time?
What was the play and what part did you play?
What organization put on the play?
community theater
professional theater
How did it feel to be naked on stage?
How long were you naked on stage?
only a few minutes
a scene
a few scenes
a long portion of the play
the whole play
How many performances were there?
Was anyone else in the cast naked?
yes, one or two people
yes, a few people
yes, a large portion of the cast
yes, the whole cast
How large was the audience?
less than 25 people
25-50 people
50-100 people
100-250 people
250-500 people
over 500 people
How many performances were there?
Did any of your friends or family come to see your performance, and what was their reaction to seeing you naked?
Do you have any other thoughts or responses you'd like to share (this question is optional)?
This poll was created on 2012-10-03 01:38:10 by jamesbreitbart