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Election 2012 and Various Issues

What daily news network do you watch ?
Do you feel that the major news networks are biased in their coverage of the 2012 election?
Do you ever question the validity of your news sources?
Do you feel that Obama is exuding an atmosphere of divisiveness or unity in the country?
Romney was a church bishop for many years spending many hours of his time tending to the needs and concerns of his parishioners. Keeping that in mind, do you feel that he cares about the needs and concerns of American citizens or do you feel that he is unconcerned about the plight of the average man as portrayed endlessly by our biased media.
The average salary in the country today is around $50,000 down roughly 10% from past years, that is if you are employed at all. Do you feel that this is an indicator of a stellar record or an indicator that we need a different approach coming out of Washington perhaps by a person knowledgeable in business and economic practices and policies.
Stellar record, yes
Stellar record, no
Need a different approach, yes
Need a different approach, no
Whether you are a fan of guns or not, do you feel it is every American's right to want to defend themselves or their families and that our government has no right to infringe on the second amendment provided in our Constitution.
To help prevent voting fraud, do you feel that photo I.D.'s should be mandatory in every state.
A certain congressperson feels that, "We have to pass the bill to know what's in it." Obamacare was pushed through congress and voted on without being read. During the campaign Obama promised to allow the country to have five days to read online every bill he’d sign. Do you agree or disagree that the handling of Obamacare and the lack of transparency involved in its making, goes against the grain of what this country is all about.
Lincoln once said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand". Besides geography a most important unifying factor is language. Do you feel that English should remain the one and only language officially recognized in every state and city in this country.
Our president has voted against bans on partial birth abortion. Do you feel that this barbaric medical procedure should be banned except if the mother's life is in danger?
Our government has done little to curb the illegal immigration issues going on especially in the south western states. Frustrated by the lack of government involvement, the state of Arizona passed legislation to counter the growing problem on it's borders. Do you agree or disagree with Arizona's actions?
Our current administration promised to lower the growing deficit but have in fact added to it. To help reduce the deficit, the democrats want to increase taxes on household making more than $250,000. If Washington has not learned to keep it's financial house in order, why should the taxpayers in this country be penalized for their mistakes.
Do you believe that the current administration has taken the blaming game to new heights and perhaps should devote more time to solving problems instead of blaming them on everybody else.
The Supreme Courts recent ruling regarding Obamacare was a surprise. Do you agree or disagree with their ruling?
Obama promised to end income tax for senior citizens making under $50,000 a year. That promise was never kept. On the other hand Obama has bent over backwards to make sure the poor are reaping rewards however misplaced. Our seniors have worked long and hard to make this country great and deserve a break. Instead Obama has given them the Independent Payment Advisory Board which can invoke drastic cuts jeopardizing seniors’ access to healthcare. Do you feel that Obama's priorities are skewed and not beneficial for all our country's citizens?
With the increase in oil prices, it will mean a cold winter for many households this winter. But Obama seems to ignore this problem, bent on his clean, green energy fantasies. Let's do the Keystone Pipeline, but in a environmental friendly fashion and do whatever else is necessary to decrease our dependency on people who don't like us!
Lastly, our country recently experienced a horrific act of violence against some of our own in Libya and rioting the likes of which we have not seen for awhile. Apparently, although the present administration would like us to think otherwise, we have many enemies out there who would do us harm. Osama Bin Laden's end, was not the end of the on-going battle between terrorists and western democracies. We cannot afford to cut our defense spending to the bone in such a hostile world. We can never let our guard down, to do so would be simply foolish.
This poll was created on 2012-10-02 20:05:44 by concernedsenior