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Hygienic Hymen Cutting

Much tadoo has been made recently about studies that suggest that circumcision of men decreases the risk of HIV transmission, but nothing is ever said about the role that the hymen plays in susceptibility to this debilitating and fatal disease.

The hymen is a tissue within the vagina which is a remnant from prenatal stages of development. It serves no known purpose in adults, however this membrane is susceptible to breakage during intercourse, particularly in the first sexual penetration. This can cause pain and bleeding.

If baby girl's hymen were cut shortly after birth with the use of local aesthetic similar to circumcision of boys, this would save her from the pain of breaking it later in life. Also, because bleeding is the single biggest risk factor in HIV transmission, its hard to imagine how this bleeding could do anything but increase contraction rates. Surprising unlike the circumcision of boys, hygienic hymen cutting's affect on HIV transmission has never been formally studied, and stranger still, hygienic hymen cutting of girls is illegal in some jurisdictions, even though its difficult to say how the procedure could adversely affect her quality of life in any manner.

Thank-you for your participation.

What is your sex?
What is your religion?
Roman Catholic
Other Christian
What country are you in?
United States
United Kingdom
To the best of your knowledge, is hygienic hymen cutting of girls or woman unlawful in your jurisdiction?
Are you aware of any study exploring the risk of hymen breakage and HIV transmission, or affect of hygienic hymen cutting on HIV transmission?
Yes, specify
Based on what you know about hymen breakage, and HIV transmission mechanics, do you guess that routinely cutting girl's hymens similar to routine circumcision of boys would lead to any reduction in sexual HIV transmission?
No, I don't think it would save anyone
Yes, it might be worth scientific investigation
Hymen reconstruction surgeries are becoming increasing popular, especially in cultures that place high emphasis on virginity. By reconstructing the hymen only so it will break again puts the woman at unnecessary risk of additional bleeding that could increase risk of HIV contraction. Furthermore, since in this case the woman is not an actual virgin the chances they are HIV positive is higher. This puts they're partner at greater risk while misleading him about his risk of sex with her. Given this, do you think that hymen reconstruction is medically ethical or should be abolished?
Hymen reconstruction is a woman's choice
It is medically unethical to put a woman are her (possibly mislead) partner at unnecessary risk
There should be a moratorium on this until the risks are better explored
Optional: Please leave any additional comments.
This poll was created on 2012-10-05 22:33:55 by fdostoevski