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Who is barefoot more:girls or guys

I am doing this to see if more girls or guys like going barefoot
10 or lower
23+(leave please)
What kind of place do you live?
Do you usually go barefoot outside in the summer? (like at parks,camping,in your neighborhood ect.) ?
Yeah I do!
occasionally, if I feel like it
Not often
Never have
If you never have tried going barefoot outside,and it's summer/warm outside, take off your shoes and socks and go out right now in bare feet(try going on grass ,road,sidewalk ect.)What did it feel like?
Hardly any different than shoes
I loved it!I might do it again!
I didn't like it
Sorta good
Pretty good, actually
I hated it
If you do like going out barefoot, how did it start?
A teacher took away my shoes and socks away for punishment, I liked it!
My friends/friend was outside barefoot, so I took my shoes and socks off and tried it with them.I liked it!
I had/have to go to school barefoot(and I liked it)so I decided it would be nice to have bare feet outside!
My friend asked me to and I liked it
I had to do school PE/sports in bare feet, and decided it felt good
I saw someone else outside barefoot and I wondered what it felt like
Someone I know hid my shoes and I didn't want to wear just socks, so I went barefoot and liked it
Someone hid my shoes and I didn't have socks.So I went barefoot for the day.Seems like they actually did me a favor!
I wanted to know what it felt like so I took off my shoes
My friends/friend was outside barefoot and they said it felt nice.So i decided to try
What else do you prefer to wear the most when going barefoot outside?(guys, check all that apply)
Longer sleeved T-shirt
other kind of shirt
No shirt
Jeans, rolled up to ankles( if they are that long)
Jeans, rolled up to knees
sweatpants,rolled up to ankles(If that long)
sweatpants,rolled up to knees
other pants
Guys, which ones somewhat resemble what you often look like outside barefoot?
A T-shirt with short sleeves, with very long, loose jeans.If I look closely, I can see that you are barefoot.At a far distance,I is nearly impossible to tell if your barefoot
A T-shirt with short sleeves, and long, loose jeans. The ends of your bare toes can be seen poking out.Hard to tell you're barefoot from a distance
A T-shirt with long, loose Jeans.About half of your foot is visible poking out from the pant leg.It is still easy to tell you're barefoot at a distance
T-shirt and jeans.Jeans are too short to conceal your bare feet, so your foot is about 1/4 or less concealed
T-shirt and jeans.The jeans are short enough that almost anyone could tell you're barefoot
T-shirt, short sleeved with jeans rolled up to your ankles, clearly showing your bare feet
T-shirt with short sleeves and jeans rolled up to your knees,showing your bare feet and lower legs to anyone around you
Sweatshirt with jeans.It is hard to see your feet under the jeans. At a distance, nearly impossible(unless I'm behind you and you lift up your foot)
Sweatshirt with jeans.Your bare toes can be seen easily out of the pant leg.Hard to tell you're barefoot at a distance
Sweatshirt and jeans.About half you're feet are covered by pants.Easy to tell you're barefoot
Sweatshirt and jeans.About1/4 or less of you're foot is covered.
Sweatshirt and jeans.Jeans are too short to hide your feet, so people easily tell you're barefoot
Sweatshirt and jeans.Jeans rolled up to ankles.Easy to tell you're barefoot
Sweatshirt and jeans.Jeans rolled up to knees
T-shirt and sweatpants.The tips of your toes can kinda be seen if I look closely enough.
T-shirt and sweatpants.Your toes are easily seen-not covered by pant leg-So someone would figure you are barefoot
T-shirt and sweatpants.About half of foot can be seen outside the pant leg, therefore fairly easy to tell you're barefoot
T-shirt and sweatpants.Sweatpants hardly cover you're foot at all, about 1/4 or lees of it
T-shirt and sweatpants.Sweatpants don't really cover you're feet at all, easy to tell you're barefoot
T-shirt and sweatpants.Sweatpants rolled up, showing you're bare feet
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Hard to tell you're barefoot at all;you can only barely see your feet under it
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.You're toes poke out from the pant leg.At a distance, hard to tell you're barefoot
Sweatshirt and sweatpants. About half of foot is shown from under pant leg
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Less than a 1/4 of you're feet are hidden, easy to tell you're barefoot
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Sweatpants don't really cover you're feet too much
T-shirt and shorts
Sweatshirt and shorts
Girls, what else do you like to wear with you're bare feet outside?(all that apply)
sweatpants, rolled up to ankles
short shorts
Jeans, rolled up to knees
other pants
sweatpants, rolled up to knees
no pants
long skirt
Jeans, rolled up to ankles
short skirt
Shirtless (0_0)
other shirt
Pick which ones are closest to what you look like outside barefoot(girls)
T-shirt with Jeans.The ends of your toes can be seen if I look closely.Hard to tell you're barefoot
T-shirt and jeans.If people look,(even at a distance) they might see your toes poking out from under the pant leg
T-shirt and jeans.About half of your foot(not including toes)can be seen out from under the pant leg
T-shirt and jeans.A fourth or less is hidden under the pant leg.Pretty easy at a distance to tell you have bare feet
T-shirt and jeans.The jeans are too short to really hide your feet, making them easily spotted
T-shirt and jeans.Jeans are rolled up to ankles, so you're feet aren't well hidden
T-shirt and jeans.Jeans are rolled up to your knees.So duh, people will easily see you're feet
T-shirt and sweatpants.I need to look closely to see the end of you're toes and say you're barefoot
T-shirt and sweatpants.You're toes are easily seen jutting out from under you're pants( but only toes). Even at a distance
T-shirt and sweatpants.Half of foot can be seen easily, basically signalling people that you are barefoot
T-shirt and sweatpants.3/4 of foot is uncovered.(or less)
T-shirt and sweatpants.Pants don't really hide you're feet.(too short)People easily tell you're barefoot
T-shirt and sweatpants.Sweatpants are rolled up to your ankles, revealing bare feet.
T-shirt with sweatpants.Sweatpants rolled up to your knees, anyone can easily see your bare feet
T-shirt and skirt
T-shirt and shorts/short shorts
Sweatpants and jeans.I can hardly tell you're barefoot
Sweatpants and jeans. I can see your toes out from under the pant legs.Easier to tell you're barefoot farther away
Sweatpants and jeans. About half of you're foot can easily be seen bare.Rest is covered by pant leg.Easy to tell you're barefoot farther away
Sweatpants and jeans.At least 3/4 of you're foo is visible without looking under pant leg.Very Easy to tell you're barefoot at a distance.
Sweatpants and jeans.Jeans are too short to even barely hide your foot.Someone would have to be blind to not see your bare feet
Sweatpants and jeans.Jeans are rolled up to your ankles, so people can easily tell that you are barefoot
Sweatpants and jeans.Pants are rolled up to knees, so anyone can easily tell you're barefoot, even at far away.
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Sweatpants really conceal your feet, making only the tips of your toes easily visible.Nearly impossible to see bare feet farther away
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Pants conceal your whole foot except for your bare toes, easily exposed to other person's vision
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.About half of foot is visible out from under the pant leg, so even at a distance people can easily tell you have bare feet
Sweatshirt and sweatpants. only1/4 or less of the foot is concealed, so nearly anyone can take one glance and tell you're barefoot
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Pants don't cover your feet too well, so they are very obvious.
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Pants rolled up to ankles, so even someone farther away can see your bare feet
Sweatshirt and sweatpants.Pants are rolled up to knees, so it is very obvious that you are barefoot
Sweatshirt and skirt
Sweatshirt and shorts/short shorts
Both : how do people react to your bare feet?
They ask If it hurts
They ask why I am barefoot
They then take off their shoes and socks and go barefoot too
They ask what it feels like
They stare/look at me
They look at my feet, and then at me
They stare/look at my feet
They throw their shoes away
They ask if it feels good
They make fun of me/try to step on my bare foot
If someone stares/looks at your bare feet, what do you do with them?(with your feet.Tell next to answer if it is one or both feet you do it with(if you sometimes do it with one, sometimes with two you can say that). Select all that you do/sometimes do)
I drag one foot on the ground a little
I spread out my toes
I move on foot away from the other
I rub my foot on the ground
I lift up mt toes(no spreading)
I wiggle my toes
I lift up my toes,then spread them out
I move my foot/feet a little
I move my foot away from the other, and rotate it away at the same time
I lift up my toes, then wiggle them
I lift my foot higher, heel still touching ground
I slightly lift my foot up, heel still touching the ground
If someone stares/looks at your bare feet, what do you do that's NOT with your feet?
I try to get their eyes away from my feet
I ask them if they want to go barefoot too
I ask them why they are looking at my feet
If it rains and you need to walk somewhere will you go barefoot(say the walk is at least 5 minutes)?If no what do you wear?
Yes, I go barefoot in the rain.Is that a problem?
Sometimes I go barefoot in the rain
No, I wear sandals/flip-flops
No,I wear sport shoes
No, I wear only socks
No, I wear boots
I wear whatever I can find in time.If I can't find something, then bare feet
I wear anything I can find, but no bare feet
No,other shoe type
Girls-what do you think of a guy who goes outside barefoot a lot?
Okay guy to hang out with
Just likes to have bare feet.Nothing weird about that
Guys-what do you think of a girl who goes out barefoot a lot?
She is weird
Okay person to hang out with
Normal, just prefers bare feet
Do you think more girls or boys enjoy going barefoot?
Who do you think should go barefoot more?
This poll was created on 2012-10-12 12:12:07 by the unknown