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a random survey for girls

this is a random survey for girls but guys can answer for their girlfriends of sisters
what is your age
13 - 15
16 - 18
19 or older
cleerleaders are
the hottest girls around
the most athletic girls around
snobs and bitches
easy and fun to beat up
did you ever fight a cheerleader before
yes i lost to the cheer leader
yes i dominated the cheerleader in the fight
i want to fight a cheerleader
if your boyfriend cheated on you what would you do to him when you found out he cheated
beat him up
go out with a guy way hotter then he was
just move on to big and better things in life
if you found out who the girl was that cheat with him what would you do to her
just let her date the loser and you move on
call her name slut hoe ect
stalk her every where she goes
fight her
my sister is 16 5'6" a cheerleader if you and my sister got in a fight who would win
my sister would win but just barely
my sister would dominate you
you would beat my sister but just barely
you would dominate my sister in the fight
if you beat my sister in the fight she has to do what ever you say for a week what would you make her do
have your friends make fun of her until she cried
make her tell everyone at school you beat her in a fight
fighter some more
which group would you say is closest to
band member
extreamly smart
This poll was created on 2012-10-17 00:04:23 by girsea