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My execution

I have this odd fantasy about being executed... if this were to happen where , and which method of execution should i get

Do you think im mad

40% (49) Yes
59% (73) No

122 voters have answered this question.

Which country should i get executed in

18% (22) Iran
31% (39) USA
27% (33) Sri Lanka (Home country)
4% (6) China
1% (2) Iraq
16% (20) Saudi Arabia

122 voters have answered this question.

Which method would be the most appropriate

43% (53) Hanging
22% (27) Beheading
5% (7) Lethal Injection
19% (24) Stoning
9% (11) Electric Chair

122 voters have answered this question.

Should i ask my parents to watch me getting hanged, do not tell them at all, or write a letter

15% (19) Write a letter
54% (66) Invite them to watch
30% (37) Not tell them

122 voters have answered this question.

Should it be in Public, shown on tv or in prison for a limited audience

21% (26) In Prison Limited Audience
20% (25) Public for people to see
58% (71) Public and Telivised

122 voters have answered this question.

For Muslims Only... if this were to happen in real life would it count as suicide and will i end up going to hell...

30% (22) Hell
30% (22) IDK
38% (27) Nope .. but you will go to hell for anyway sinning

71 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-11-04 09:43:47 by 3fullybutton
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