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athletic kids poll

What part of the world are you from

66% (26) North America
0% (0) South America
2% (1) Asia
30% (12) Europe
0% (0) Africa

39 voters have answered this question.


10% (4) 8
10% (4) 9
2% (1) 10
7% (3) 11
7% (3) 12
12% (5) 13
15% (6) 14
2% (1) 15
12% (5) 16
17% (7) 17

39 voters have answered this question.

What field sports do you like

70% (26) Soccer
32% (12) football
40% (15) baseball
27% (10) rugby
10% (4) cricket
5% (2) field hockey
51% (19) track

37 voters have answered this question.

What indoor sports do you like

30% (12) hockey
43% (17) basketball
33% (13) tennis
56% (22) wrestling
51% (20) gymnastics

39 voters have answered this question.

What water sports do you like

94% (37) swimming
28% (11) surfing
25% (10) kayaking
23% (9) diving
23% (9) waterskiing
20% (8) windsurfing
23% (9) scuba

39 voters have answered this question.

How tall are you

17% (7) 4-4.5 ft
17% (7) 4.5 - 5 ft
25% (10) 5 - 5.5ft
38% (15) 6 - 6.5ft

39 voters have answered this question.

Are you

58% (23) skinny
53% (21) muscular
10% (4) heavy

39 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been injured doing sports

62% (23) yes
37% (14) no

37 voters have answered this question.

What equipment have you used for sports

62% (17) bat
70% (19) helmet
40% (11) raquet
37% (10) paddle
33% (9) stick

27 voters have answered this question.

What have you worn for sports

48% (17) glove or gloves
51% (18) cleats
74% (26) uniform
48% (17) pads
77% (27) swimsuit
34% (12) wetsuit
48% (17) goggles or mask
57% (20) mouthguard

35 voters have answered this question.

how good are you at your favorite sport

5% (2) terrible
20% (8) okay
30% (12) good
17% (7) terrific
25% (10) the best

39 voters have answered this question.

Does competing scare you

38% (15) not at all
46% (18) a little
10% (4) yes
5% (2) terrified but do it anyway

39 voters have answered this question.

How much do you weigh

7% (3) 60-70 pounds
7% (3) 70-80 pounds
15% (6) 80-90 pounds
10% (4) 90-100 pounds
10% (4) 100-110
7% (3) 110-120
10% (4) 120-130
17% (7) 130-140
12% (5) 150 or more

39 voters have answered this question.

What is your shoe size

10% (4) 5
5% (2) 5.5
5% (2) 6
5% (2) 6.5
7% (3) 7
0% (0) 7.5
5% (2) 8
7% (3) 8.5
2% (1) 9
7% (3) 9.5
7% (3) 10
7% (3) 10.5
2% (1) 11
2% (1) 11.5
23% (9) 12+

39 voters have answered this question.

Other than watersports do you ever practice barefoot

53% (21) yes
23% (9) yes but not during real practice
23% (9) no

39 voters have answered this question.

Which do you prefer

53% (21) Team sports
46% (18) Individual sports

39 voters have answered this question.

How many sports do you compete in

0% (0) none
12% (5) 1
23% (9) 2
15% (6) 3
48% (19) 4 or more

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-10-26 18:31:58 by philm
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