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When the humiliation started-ycdtotv?

This poll is to analyze why fans of humiliation are fans of humiliation-and to find out if that dreaded You Can't Do That on Television had anything to do with it.
Did your love of humiliation and embarrassing situations begin with ycdtotv?
Did it make you feel weird watching the show because you enjoyed it for other reasons besides the comedy?
yeah but I still watched it
no. I just watched it like it was any show
did you ever find yourself fantasizing about being "green slimed" -when you should have been doing your school work instead (you slacker!)
How often did you think about being green slimed?
at least once a day
more than once a day
many times a day -basically whenever I got the chance!
did you ever think of ways you could get "green slimed" in public or privet while you were fantasizing? (I.E: enter the ycdtotv slime in contest, convince your teacher at shcool you should get slimed for a fundraiser, make a big bucket of goo at home and dump it on yourself, become a cast member on the show)
yes I was always trying to think of ways it could happen to me
no I didn't care
What ways did you think up that could get you slimed in real life? (extra points if you thought about finding a way to make it happen in public!)
If you had actually gotten green slimed in public-how would you have reacted? Laughed along with the others and take it or on purpose act mortified humiliated and ruined to add to the humiliation factor? (even though you secretly loved it) describe how you would have reacted
Did you ever actually wish there was a real dungeon with a real nasty where they would throw you if you did something bad? If so -would you have done something bad on purpose just to get thrown in there (extra points if you would have been dragged away by Nasti in front your classmates for being caught doing something embarrassing like picking your nose or farting in class.) What wouldv'e happened to you -the situation been like, and your punishment have been? (and how often would you have "accidentally" gotten in trouble to get yourself thrown in the dungeon?)
Describe some of your memories of the feelings you would get when watching the show-would you get anxious or scared when you thought someone was going to get slimed or you saw the familiar dungeon set? Would you get excited when you knew someone was going to "get it"?
Did you have a favorite dungeon scene and a favorite link set green sliming? were they humiliating ones? which scenes were they?
Why was the green slime so humiliating and why did you love it so much? Was it because it was like something out of a horror movie like the blob coming down on these kids to humilate them? Do you think the fact that it happened to them when they said "I don't know" was significant because it made them look stupid and get punished for being stupid at the same time?
Describe your favorite cast "dissapearing facial expression" you know-when someone got slimed you would still see their face for a couple seconds before the slime totally glooped over it. Did you like the wide eyed open mouth shocked look? Or the sad resigned "it's happening to me" look?
This poll was created on 2012-12-22 11:36:26 by gulpimdoomed